Everybody’s Doing the World Wide WebWe have a little of the generational ADD, which is why we couldn’t totally focus on the front-page business-section story this morning in the big inky Times about the cool new Webcasts ABC is putting on its site for people with generational ADD. We caught that the videos “purposely look raw and personal, like they came from MTV rather than ABC,” but then we were confused a few lines later, when they told us that in one of them, Charles Gibson interviewed the network’s chief White House correspondent, Martha Raddatz, “for a full 3 minutes and 20 seconds — an eternity on a half-hour television newscast.” So like any busy Internet person, we clicked over to the ABC Website to check it out for ourselves, and let us tell you, we could have written that Times story in five seconds. It would have read: “The video in which child preacher Samuel Boutwell tells JuJu Chang she is going to hell is AWESOME.”
ABC Reshapes the Evening News for Web [NYT]
Pint Size Preachers [ABC]