Displaying all articles tagged:

Landmarks Preservation Commission

  1. architecture
    Fiddling With the Frick While New York Burns There are much bigger preservation issues, and they’re being ignored.
  2. architecture
    Why Landmarks Said No to Aby Rosen’s Four Seasons RenovationNo slippery slope for them.
  3. urban design
    Davidson on the Tricky Landmark DebatesConsider these six.
  4. ground zero mosque
    Update - Scenes From the Ground Zero Mosque VoteEmotions ran high as the Landmarks Preservation Commission made its decision.
  5. ground zero mosque
    It Looks Like the Ground Zero Mosque Is HappeningThe Landmarks Preservation Commission isn’t buying it.
  6. neighborhood news
    Greenwich Village Historic District Extended Once AgainNot enough for advocates, though.
  7. real estate
    Mosque Near Ground Zero Could Be Halted by Landmark RulingAt least that’s what its critics are hoping.
  8. company town
    The Donald Will Go OnDonald Trump is strong and solid, like a freight ship battered by stormy seas. Meanwhile, Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide and Don Imus are riding around on rickety catamarans. All that and more metaphors in our daily roundup of real-estate, law, media and finance news.