TMI Index for Politicians: Some Scandalous Details Are Best Left UnknownIt’s been a rough couple of weeks for anyone who likes their news served modestly. From Paterson’s girls to McGreevey’s wings, politicians are on overshare overdrive, and Americans are suffering. It’s time to chart the moments when titillation turns to revulsion.
Rosie O’Donnell Lashes Out at Matt LauerDid you guys see the clips of Matt Lauer’s quietly uncomfortable interview with alleged toe-tapping senator Larry Craig on this morning’s Today show? So did Rosie O’Donnell, and she has something to say about it on her cryptic blog:
you know there have been manywhispers about matt lauerand his marriage woes
no comment
and another baby
everyone smiles
i am watching
as he grills senator craig
and his shell shocked wife
about their sexy gay secrets
it makes me sick
in every way
Yeah, that’s right. She took it to the Bad Matt place. We did not see that one coming.
The News [R Blog]
Related: Rosie O’Donnell Lets Her Freak Flag Fly [NYM]
Richard Gere’s Sell-Buy ConundrumRichard Gere may buy the penthouse in Julian Schnabel’s West Village building, if he can sell his Sullivan Street townhouse for $12 million first. Henry Kissinger, Michael Eisner, and Barry Diller were among the power players who ate at Michael’s for lunch yesterday. Some designers are refusing to use the Earth Pledge’s ecofriendly “Sea Leather” because it’s actually made out of dead fish skin. Ivana Trump’s new engagement ring, from daughter Ivanka’s jewelry line, costs $250,000. Anderson Cooper told Conan that he has a “fatty deposit” under his eye that is visible in high definition. NBC refused to run a Larry Craig–inspired political commercial, though CNN picked it up. (Perhaps it had something to do with Matt Lauer’s interview with the disgraced senator?)
photo op
Marc Jacobs, a Blunter Kenneth Cole?Marc Jacobs doesn’t show his line until next week, but for this week’s effort, we give him high marks. A fellow New Yorker noticed this tableau in Marc’s West Village storefront window today on the way to work. You’ll recognize his iconic tees, garnished with the faces of disavowed homosexuals Ted Haggard and Larry Craig. Guess the Ed Koch tees are on back order?
[Betamax Doctrine via Racked]