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Larry Hogan

  1. early and often
    Former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan Interview
    Will Republicans Make All Their Candidates Defend Trump?The GOP needs to give Larry Hogan some leeway to win a Senate seat in his deep-blue state. But he’s being required to show absolute loyalty to Trump.
  2. life after roe
    Republican nominee for US Senate Larry Hogan and his wife, Yumi
    Larry Hogan and the Lost Tradition of Pro-Choice RepublicanismLike Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, Larry Hogan is sort of committed to abortion rights, but is chained to the party of forced-birth lawmaking.
  3. early and often
    Larry Hogan Senate Bid Is Good for Republicans, Bad for No LabelsThe anti-Trump former governor won’t be available for No Labels’ Unity Ticket. But he gives the GOP a chance at winning an unlikely Senate seat.
  4. early and often
    Why Does No One Trust No Labels?The group says it doesn’t want to elect Trump. The problem is everything else it says.
  5. early and often
    Larry Hogan Won’t Run in 2024’s Imaginary GOP ‘Moderate Lane’While the former Maryland governor had appeared on many lists of potential GOP presidential candidates, he’s bending to reality.
  6. 2022 midterms
    Larry Hogan and the Fantasy World of Moderate RepublicanismRepublicans are trying to talk Maryland governor Larry Hogan into a Senate run, but his brand of politics probably isn’t the party’s future.
  7. republicans
    The Future of the Republican Party Isn’t in the Dead CenterDon’t expect moderate heretics like Charlie Baker and Larry Hogan to inherit the GOP from Trump.
  8. coronavirus
    The Most Scathing Lines From Larry Hogan’s Trump Takedown“It was hopeless, waiting around for him,” Hogan, who is rumored to have presidential aspirations of his own, wrote of Trump.
  9. corruption
    Maryland Governor Accused of Rerouting State Funds to Benefit His BusinessIn a state with a history of corruption, the Never Trump hero may have more in common with the president’s business practices than with his politics.
  10. governors
    The Most Popular Governors in America Are Republicans in Blue StatesSome states are so strongly Democratic that Republicans let their governors do and say heretical things to stay in office.
  11. vision 2020
    Why Republicans Might Not Mind Losing the White House in 2020If Republicans hang onto the Senate in 2020 and have the power to obstruct, they might decide their future looks brighter without the 45th president.
  12. 2018 midterms
    2018 Midterms Offered More Proof That Split-Ticket Voting Is a Thing of the PastDespite some much-publicized exceptions, voters in the 2018 midterms tended to go all-in on one party.
  13. Maryland Democrat Deploys Logic, F-Bomb in Parrying ‘Socialism’ AttacksBen Jealous gave a calm, reasonable answer to the first “socialism” question, but then understandably lost it after the second.
  14. A Good Primary Night for ProgressivesLefties, Democratic women, and Donald J. Trump could all claim some victories in the June 26 primaries in six states.
  15. Trump’s War on the Coastal States Includes More Offshore Drilling, Less SafetyHe’s doing this despite bipartisan opposition from governors.