Making the BandThe long national nightmare is over: Menudo, Spanish-speaking eighties boy band, is coming back. That means the producers need to round up a troupe of singing and dancing Latino teenagers, and this weekend the talent search came to New York City. Nearly 100 hopeful performers tried out at the Queens Center Mall Saturday, and Tim Murphy was there for Vulture, New York’s new arts-and-culture blog, to learn what drives kids to be aspiring Ricky Martins. Find out at Vulture.
They Want to Live La Vida Menudo [Vulture]
in other news
Only 7.96 Million Stories in the Naked City!A brief, noteworthy detail in those census-data stories: The city’s population, which hit an all-time high of 8,008,278 in 2000, fell to a mere 7,956,113 a staggering decline of 52,165, or 0.65 percent.
It must be all those fleeing Puerto Ricans.
Latinos on the Rise in the City [NYDN]
Earlier: Dominicans Like the Island Manhattan, Smoke on Your Pipe and Put That In