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Life In Pixels

  1. life in pixels
    Drowning in SlopA thriving underground economy is clogging the internet with AI garbage — and it’s only going to get worse.
  2. life in pixels
    Who Is Still Inside the Metaverse?Searching for friends in Mark Zuckerberg’s deserted fantasyland.
  3. life in pixels
    How Should You Feel About Zuck’s Dinner With Peter Thiel and Donald Trump?It’s extremely normal for the president to dine with the head of the largest communications apparatus on the planet and his democracy-skeptic mentor.
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    Coleen Rooney, Instagram SpycatcherThe WAG George Smiley acknowledges the truth: Social media makes spies of us all.
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    Is Andrew Yang the Doomer Candidate?Andrew Yang’s climate fatalism during Wednesday’s debate seemed to reflect a strange, esoteric nihilism taking root in the internet’s weirder corners.
  6. life in pixels
    Can This Slingshot-Building German Unionize YouTube?An upstart “YouTubers Union” is now allied with Europe’s biggest industrial union. Will YouTube listen?
  7. life in pixels
    The Egg Is Bigger Than Before, or, Mysteries of YouTube’s Third-Biggest ChannelWhat is 5-Minute Crafts, and why?
  8. life in pixels
    Can You Spot a Deepfake? Does It Matter?If you want to imagine the future, don’t imagine an onslaught of fake video. Imagine an onslaught of people telling you a video is fake.
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    Facebook’s New Competition: The U.S. DollarFacebook just introduced Libra, a new cryptocurrency designed to blow up the global financial system.
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    Force Majeure Going Viral on Twitter Can Save CinemaOne Weird Trick for getting audiences to watch foreign and art house films.
  11. life in pixels
    Does Facebook Have a Leaks Problem?Facebook employees are increasingly talkative and increasingly polarized — and a lot of them have access to private user data.
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    Petitions Are Everywhere Because We Don’t Know How Else to Do PoliticsHow are you supposed to fix the government — or Game of Thrones?
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    The White House’s ‘Tech Bias’ Reporting Form Is a Masterpiece of TrumpismThe White House’s call for stories of bias on social media is the apotheosis of the administration’s belief system.
  14. life in pixels
    Group Chats Are Making the Internet Fun AgainThe triumphant return of aimless digital chatter.
  15. life in pixels
    Is Instagram’s Future Just Snapchat’s Past?The platform is testing getting rid of like counts.
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    On the Internet, You Can Run But You Can’t HideSomebody blocking you on Instagram doesn’t mean you can’t still see their posts.
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    Joe Biden’s Bad Announcement Tweet Was a Good Boomer PostThe oddly punctuated tweet in which Joe Biden announced his presidency was the most authentic possible format for a 76-year-old man.
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    New York City Could Destroy Uber (If It Wanted To)Uber’s S-1 filing reveals that the cities the company has run roughshod over have an awful lot of leverage over it.
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    Why We Fake College Applications and Facebook ProfilesRick Singer’s college admissions fixing scheme has a lot in common with scams and catfishing on social media.
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    Who Pays for Silicon Valley’s Hidden Costs?Magically convenient services and devices are often subsidized by exploitative labor arrangements.
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    With Social Media Disinformation, What — and Who — Should We Be Afraid Of?We may have more to fear from wealthy donors than from geopolitical adversaries like Russia.
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    Can Subscriptions Save All Media Companies, or Just the New York Times?After weeks of grim news out of the media industry, the Times’ revenue numbers are a bright spot.
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    Facebook Is Going to Have a Supreme Court. Will It Work?Facebook’s new “oversight board” sounds a lot like a judiciary. So where are the other branches?
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    Facebook Doesn’t Need to Fool YouIs the #10YearChallenge meme a conspiracy to steal your data?
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    Zuckerberg’s 2019 Personal Challenge Is to Explain Why Facebook Is GoodMark Zuckerberg’s series of “public discussions about technology” is more likely to be a series of public defenses of his life’s work.
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    How Much of the Internet Is Fake?Turns out, a lot of it, actually.
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    Why YouTube’s Biggest Star Can’t Be CanceledYouTube megastar PewDiePie keeps accidentally sharing anti-Semitic jokes — and keeps getting more popular. Why?
  28. life in pixels
    Did Facebook Cause Riots in France?If you’re blaming the gilets jaunes on Facebook, you might be missing the forest for the trees.
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    Brett Favre Is a Social NetworkIt sounds nuts to say that anti-Semites took advantage of Brett Favre to spread racist memes. But that’s because you think of Favre as a quarterback.
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    Why Is Tucker Carlson Mad About Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?Like the water cycle, the content cycle is a beautiful, natural process that sustains a multitude of organisms at all levels.
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    The End of the Tech-Industry OmertàIs Silicon Valley’s legendary secretiveness on its way out?
  32. life in pixels
    The Decline and Fall of the Zuckerberg EmpireDo we need Facebook?
  33. life in pixels
    Fake News Isn’t Just a Problem for Facebook. It’s Also a Solution!Having learned about the dangerous effects of “fake news” influence campaigns, Facebook has finally landed on a solution: Create its own.
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    Fox News’ Silent War on TwitterThe network has found a way to treat Twitter with the same bitter contempt it’s always treated the New York Times.
  35. life in pixels
    Facebook Stopped Russia. Is That Enough?Facebook’s “misinformation problem” is a lot bigger than Facebook.
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    Nick Clegg Isn’t Leaving the World of Politics, He’s Reentering ItOnce you’ve formed a coalition with David Cameron, how bad can one with Mark Zuckerberg really be?
  37. life in pixels
    DNA Testing Can’t Tell Us Who We Really Are. It Can Tell the Cops.Like Elizabeth Warren, millions of Americans have taken DNA tests in a search for their heritage, with unintended consequences.
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    Donald Trump, Kanye West, and the Reign of Human ClickbaitMedia outlets created “clickbait” to stand out in a crowded environment. What’s the psychological equivalent?
  39. life in pixels
    Does Facebook Need a Constitution?Facebook’s gestures toward “free speech” make it sound like a liberal democracy. But where are its checks and balances?
  40. life in pixels
    The Rise of Busybody JournalismIn “see for myself” reporting, individual sentiment crowds out institutional facts.