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Life Upstate

  1. scary things
    Two Convicted Murderers Escape From Upstate New York Prison [Updated]“These are not people to be trifled with,” said Governor Cuomo.
  2. life upstate
    Upstate Kids Survive Getting Buried Under Huge Pile of Snow“I was thinking that me and my cousin, we’re going to die.”
  3. casual racism
    12-Year-Old Put in Stop-&-Frisk Pose As a ‘Joke’In case you couldn’t guess, the guard was white, and the child wasn’t. 
  4. happy things
    Abducted Amish Girls Found Safe Despite Culturally Complicated SearchThere were no photos of the missing kids.
  5. life upstate
    Upstate Police Department Asks If It’s Cool to Say ‘Negro’The answer is no. 
  6. scary things
    Bounce House Blows Away With Three Kids InsideLike balloon boy, but reportedly real.
  7. the supremes
    Supreme Court Approves Mostly Christian Prayers at Town MeetingsThe Court upheld the practice in Greece, New York, by a vote of 5-4.
  8. animal cruelty
    Who’s Worse: The Upstate Man Having Sex With Cows or His Friend Filming It?The correct answer is both.
  9. life upstate
    Upstate Man Bites Off Brother’s Ear at Super Bowl PartyIt’s all fun and games until someone drinks all the whiskey.
  10. oh albany!
    Upstate Politician Definitely Disgusting Although he denies sexually harassing his staff, the evidence against Dennis Gabryszak is gross.
  11. life upstate
    Buffalo Residents Waited Three Hours in the Snow for Popeye’s Grand OpeningThe upstate Cronut.
  12. life upstate
    New York Mayor Gets Arrested for DWI, Takes It Out on ClockWatch him smash it on the ground in an (allegedly) drunken rage. 
  13. life upstate
    New York’s New Casinos to Come With More WarningsAbout compulsive gambling.