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Lost Causes

  1. lost causes
    Famous Robert E. Lee Statue Time Capsule Found, for Real This TimeIt appears this is the official box, but the reported “picture of Lincoln lying in his coffin” still hasn’t turned up.
  2. lost causes
    Roy Moore Won’t Accept Reality, Fundraises for ‘Election Integrity Fund’Math be damned, the defeated candidate is pushing voter fraud.
  3. lost causes
    California Court Rejects Last-Ditch Effort to Reinstate Marriage-Banning Prop 8Seriously, it’s over.
  4. the third terminator
    Bloomberg Hopes His Replacement Will Also Obsess Over Soda Ban“Or this carnage is just going to continue.”
  5. lost causes
    Old Borders Gift Cards Are Officially Large Guitar PicksThey’re not worth anything but the plastic they’re printed on.
  6. lost causes
    50 Years Ago, New Yorkers Fought to Keep Penn Station From Becoming a HellholeSpoiler alert: It didn’t work.