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Louis Farrakhan

  1. far-right
    Louis Farrakhan More ‘Far Right’ Than Left. But Mostly, He’s an Opportunist.News outlets provoked outrage when they linked Louis Farrakhan to the far right. But they weren’t wrong.
  2. Why Won’t Women’s March Leaders Denounce Farrakhan’s Anti-Semitism?Women’s March leaders seem to be tiptoeing around hate speech that demands a firm response.
  3. Donald Trump’s Rainbow Coalition of BigotsFirst, Trump won the endorsement of a KKK grand wizard. Now the Nation of Islam leader praises the mogul’s efforts to get Jewish money out of politics.
  4. tea time
    Rand Paul Cancels on Meet the Press“No more national interviews on the topic.”
  5. gossipmonger
    Penélope Cruz Looking More and More PregnantSeen leaving OB/GYN clinic with Javier Bardem and a large white envelope.
  6. early and often
    Geraldine Ferraro Does Not Go Gently Into the NightAmerica’s first female vice-presidential candidate, Geraldine Ferraro, has resigned from Hillary Clinton’s campaign in disgrace after she said that Obama “would not be in this position” if he were a white man. Except, according to her, there’s no disgrace at all. In fact, she’s owed an apology. After a liberal blog and media feeding frenzy over her comments, she stepped down from her position on the finance committee — but she refused to apologize for the flap. “If anybody is going to apologize,” she said defiantly, “They should apologize to me for calling me a racist.” She said she’s stepping down only so the campaign can move past this issue. Obama himself stopped short of calling her racist, but Hillary aggressively attacked her. “I rejected what she said and I certainly do repudiate it.” She rejects and repudiates? She’s making sure all her bases are covered. She’s also putting Ferraro in the same box as Louis Farrakhan. Ouch! Ferraro Quits But Offers No Apologies [Campaign 08/Nation]