Displaying all articles tagged:

Magic Johnson

  1. select all
    Damn, I Love This Terrible Video of Magic Johnson’s BirthdayAt least, I think that’s what it is.
  2. the sports section
    Magic Johnson: Donald Sterling Is ‘Living in the Stone Ages’He asked Magic to appear with him in a Barbara Walters interview.
  3. the sports section
    Sterling: Magic Johnson ‘Should Be Ashamed’ And shares his thoughts on blacks versus Jews.
  4. happy endings
    Magic Johnson Would Buy Clippers From SterlingThe storybook ending is possible.
  5. the sports section
    L.A. Clippers Owner Caught on Tape Being a Disgusting Racist [Updated]“It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people,” said Donald Sterling to his girlfriend. 
  6. Magic Johnson’s Son May Have Stolen a Lady’s CabMaybe
  7. the most important people in the world
    Ron Burkle Goes on a Shopping SpreeThe billionaire is making moves in concert promotion, movies, and magazines.
  8. photo op
    Here Is Mayor Bloomberg Doing Something With Magic JohnsonDunking an invisible ball?
  9. gossipmonger
    Madonna Is Stealing Some of Oprah’s MovesShe’s opening up a girls’ school in Africa.
  10. neighborhood watch
    Magic Johnson Dogged by Worker on His Fort Greene CondoThe legend’s invested in a project using non-union workers who say they can’t afford health care.