Displaying all articles tagged:

Malcolm Smith

  1. oh albany!
    Malcolm Smith Sentenced for Mayoral Race SchemeHe was mainly guilty of wanting to be a great mayor … and bribery.
  2. local politics
    Alleged Bribery Scheme for Mayor’s Office Trickles Up to AlbanyWhat’s the political fallout?
  3. crimes and misdemeanors
    Bipartisan Bribery Plot to Rig the NYC Mayoral Race Foiled by FBIMalcolm Smith, Dan Halloran, and four other local politicians have been arrested.
  4. attention whores
    Malcolm Smith Makes Sad, Desperate Plea for AttentionHe spoke out against Lil Wayne at a press conference in Times Square today.
  5. 2013
    Why Democrat Malcolm Smith Might Run for Mayor As a RepublicanDesperation.
  6. otb
    The Sparsely Attended Death Throes of N.Y. Off-Track BettingOTB has been a money-losing political cesspool for at least a decade. Why should its death be any less of a fiasco?
  7. oh albany!
    Malcolm Smith Reveals That New York Already Has Term LimitsWhoops!
  8. early and often
    Cuomo Ready to Turn Up the Heat on PatersonIf the governor won’t take Obama’s hint to stand down, the attorney general is prepared to get tough.
  9. oh albany!
    Malcolm Smith Would Fight Dean Skelos — If It Helped ChildrenUnfortunately, Dean Skelos is a coward.
  10. early and often
    Malcolm Smith Eyeing Cushy Aqueduct Afterlife?The former Senate majority leader has ties to one of the groups bidding to turn the racetrack into a casino.
  11. early and often
    Judge Blocks Paterson’s Lt. Governor AppointeeDick Ravitch won’t be able to take office quite yet.
  12. oh albany!
    Espada: I’m Coming Home to DemocratsUnwilling to let David Paterson appear to solve the State Senate stalemate, rebel Democrat Pedro Espada says he’s returning to the fold and solving the problem that he started.
  13. albany chaos
    Answering Your Questions About the Chaos in AlbanyEverything you need to know about why nothing is getting done in our State Senate.
  14. oh albany!
    Governor Paterson and Senate Democrats Hate Each OtherAfter Paterson threatens senators’ pay, one Democrat calls him a coward.
  15. oh albany!
    Paterson Reaches Out to Squabbling Senate, Orders Them Again to Convene (Updated)Which they will, in some form, on Wednesday.
  16. oh albany!
    More Madness in Albany: Democrats Lock Themselves in State Senate Chamber [Updated]And Pedro Espada is sneaking the press in to watch!
  17. oh albany!
    Wireless Store Betting on New Yorkers’ Political AwarenessWhat does Malcolm X have to do with BlackBerrys?
  18. albany coup
    In Albany, More Stalemate Solutions IgnoredBecause what’s the rush?
  19. albany coup
    Morning Hearing Granted to Sort Out Albany MessAdults are, finally, officially involved.
  20. albany coup
    Showdown at the Senate ChamberThe GOP takeover of the Senate chamber is imminent, and it looks like there will be trouble.
  21. albany coup
    Albany Aggression Getting Really Childish NowAccording to one senator, there will be a “spirited game of duck-duck-goose” later, so be sure not to miss that.
  22. early and often
    Paterson on Senate Snafu: ‘This Is Getting a Little Ridiculous’The governor railed against both parties for not “acting like adults.”
  23. early and often
    GOP State Senator: Let’s Hire a Locksmith!Breaking into the State Senate chamber is just the latest awesome plan out of Albany.
  24. oh albany!
    Malcolm Smith Probably Wishes He Had Put the BlackBerry DownHow bad manners brought down the Senate Democrats.
  25. equal rites
    Does Gay Marriage Still Have a Shot?Sort of!
  26. early and often
    Chris Smith: What Will the City Get Out of the Albany Shake-up?That’s what we need to be asking ourselves.
  27. early and often
    Pedro Espada Was Maybe Mad at Democrats for Not Letting Him Give Money to His FriendsIn the months leading up to yesterday’s coup in Albany, top members of Espada’s party refused to earmark funds for organizations tied to him that they couldn’t prove were real nonprofits.
  28. what other people think
    Albany Coup Reactions: What Just Happened?Today’s papers sound off on yesterday’s shocking overthrow.
  29. early and often
    Gershman: If Dems Have an Ace, They’d Better Play It FastOur man in Albany provides news analysis of yesterday’s tumultuous events.
  30. equal rites
    Ruben Diaz to Tom Duane: Put Up or ‘Shut Up’The conservative minister and state senator is calling what he thinks is Duane’s bluff over having the numbers to pass a marriage-equality bill in Albany.
  31. equal rites
    State Senator Tom Duane: We Have the Votes to Pass Marriage EqualityNot everyone is so optimistic, however.
  32. equal rites
    New Yorkers Wholeheartedly Agree With Governor Paterson on SomethingPeople want gay marriage to be voted on regardless of whether it will pass.
  33. equal rites
    New York Evenly Divided on Gay MarriageNew poll shows 46–46 split on gay marriage, while Nate Silver is pessimistic that it’ll pass the State Senate.
  34. equal rites
    Marriage-Equality Bill Passed in State AssemblyThe lower body of New York’s state legislature approved Governor Paterson’s measure to allow gay couples to wed last night.
  35. serenity now
    The Dalai Lama Helps Us Appreciate Our Mediocre GovernmentHis Holiness offers words of wisdom at the State Senate yesterday.
  36. stand clear of the closing doors
    MTA Bailout Agreement Nearly Reached, Not That Anyone Is ImpressedThe papers seem to expect Albany to come up with smart, long-term solutions. Ha!
  37. malcolm in the middle
    Same-Sex Marriage Has Made Some of Malcolm Smith’s Relationships AwkwardThe Senate Majority Leader tries not to mention gay marriage with his friend and pastor, Reverend Floyd Flake, while the issue can’t be avoided with Governor Paterson.
  38. equal rites
    Gay Marriage Vote Out of Paterson’s HandsGovernor Paterson defers to Malcolm Smith. Not that he has a choice.
  39. early and often
    Pretty Much Everybody Hates Budget Plan by Paterson, Silver, and SmithThe plan, drafted in secret, has been roundly razzed from almost every corner.
  40. let’s get civical
    Legislative Leaders Agree to Roll Back Rockefeller Drug LawsSheldon Silver, Malcolm Smith, and Governor Paterson have reached an agreement to repeal many of the draconian mandatory minimums on drug sentencing in New York State.
  41. malcolm in the middle
    Everybody Hates Malcolm Smith TodayAfter he unveiled a weak MTA bailout plan, the New York papers are letting Smith have it.
  42. equal rites
    Gay-Marriage Advocates Still Scrambling After Malcolm Smith FlubThe Senate majority leader says that despite his comments over the weekend, it’s not time to give up hope.
  43. early and often
    Diaz: ‘I Am Still a Democrat. And I Will Always Be a Democrat’’But I won’t vote with the Democrats.’
  44. early and often
    Poll Gives Great News to State Senate Dems, Except Leader Malcolm SmithAccording to a poll from the weekend, Democrats are set to take over the State Senate for the first time in 43 years. Unfortunately for current minority leader Smith, some people don’t want him to stick around to see it happen.
  45. early and often
    Governor Paterson Seeks to Extend Bruno Alliance With Cushy Albany PostThe lovable gov wanted to offer the former GOP Senate majority leader an advisory post in his government.