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Man Candy

  1. foxes of finance
    Foxes of FinanceOur mostly subjective, entirely shallow, list of Wall Street’s hottest bachelors.
  2. man candy
    Your Time Warner Cable Guy Fantasies Made Real in Calendar FormNo, not the ones where you murder the dude for telling you to be home from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. when he actually shows up at 3 p.m.
  3. man candy
    Men in Sweaters’Playgirl’ would never have folded had they adhered to this model of success.
  4. Paul Rudd, RhombusNow we know.
  5. Celebrate Ryan Reynolds’s Completion of the Marathon With Photos of a Wet, Shirtless Ryan ReynoldsYou can also see the actor bearded, bespectacled, barefoot, and chained.
  6. man candy
    Breaking: Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson Looks Hot in Shirtless PhotoThe secretary of the treasury once had washboard abs.
  7. man candy
    Michael Phelps, Naked But for a Wig‘Saturday Night Live’’s Kristen Wiig thinks Michael Phelps has star qualities.