Displaying all articles tagged:

Max Baucus

  1. so long farewell
    Obama Fixes Max Baucus Problem by Shipping Him Off to ChinaIrritating the White House is a great way to win an ambassadorship.
  2. the national interest
    A Fond Farewell to Max BaucusGood night, sweet prince, and on to K Street!
  3. the national interest
    Max Baucus Is Making BankA Democratic senator looks to restore trust in government raise a boatload of cash.
  4. the national interest
    Max Baucus Will Give You Tax Cuts, for a PriceGood government in operation.
  5. super friends
    Democrats Make First Selections to the Debt All-Star TeamOtherwise known as the “super committee.”
  6. the great shutdown of 2011
    Is a Shutdown-Averting Deal Close?Various signs point to yes.
  7. baucusgate
    Max Baucus’ Girlfriend Met With His Divorce LawyerContends it was part of her job.
  8. scandals
    Senator Max Baucus Nominated His Girlfriend for Federal Prosecutor JobMelodee Hanes removed her name from consideration when they decided to move in together.
  9. america’s sweetheart
    Palin Weighs In on Health Care With Facebook EssayOne thousand words on why Baucus’ health care plan stinks.
  10. health carnage
    Baucus’s Bill Bombs BadlyNo Republicans like it. A bunch of Democrats don’t like it, either. Great.
  11. health carnage
    Max Baucus Is Done Waiting, AlmostBi-partisanship FAIL.
  12. early and often
    Baucus Finally Steps In on Health CareThe Senate finance chair has a plan!