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  1. blog-stained wretches
    Mediaite Editor Admits to Being a Convicted Felon Working Under an Assumed NameDon’t worry; his boss knew.
  2. blog-stained wretches
    Dan Abrams Sees ‘An Enormous Opportunity to Create a Significant Media Company Worth Well Over $100 Million’This reminds us of something.
  3. cable news catfights
    It Seems Like Keith Olbermann Is Trying to Tell Us Something About Dan AbramsWe can’t quite put our finger on it …
  4. in other news
    Are We Blogs Really Too Hyperbolic?That’s what Jon Stewart would have us believe.
  5. the most important people in the world
    GossipCop.com: Taking the Joy Out of the Only Thing We Have LeftA new website sets out to debunk all the celebrity stories worth reading.
  6. ink-stained wretches
    There’s a Mediaite Burrowing Around Inside the InternetSo far, it does not seem to have penetrated the surface layers.
  7. the chattering class
    ‘We Believe in Strong, Smart Ideas Executed Well’Dan Abrams’s new website has a bold new plan.