You’ll Never Find Him, Ladies. Just Read the ‘Times’Today’s “Thursday Styles” brings bad news to single New York gals. As it turns out, taking classes running, tennis, wine tasting, you name it is not the best way to meet men. Apparently, men don’t think they need to take classes, explains Stephanie Rosenbloom. “It goes against the male grain to acknowledge ignorance about a subject.” Consider the case of Wendy Hill. The poor girl signed up for a course at the Met and various activities for the unattached, all with unpromising results. “She described the men in her architecture classes as 60-somethings, and the few she’d met at class activities geared to singles as ‘blech.’” Sure, there are exceptions congrats on that upcoming wedding, Debra Wilensky and Randy Weinstein! but, overall, instructors don’t report high hit-it-off success rates. Still, ladies, don’t despair: Hope comes in the very same section of the Times. It’s not that men avoid all group activities: They’re just really busy with Bounce-n-Slide. Lori Fradkin
Mr. Right, It Turns Out, Does Not Take Classes [NYT]
Stretching, Sliding, Bonding: A Multitasking Mix [NYT]
in other news
‘Manbivalent’ Books on the Way; Ambivalent Men Not Going AnywhereFeel there aren’t enough neurotic, indecisive, commitment-phobic thirtysomething guys in your life already? Today’s Publishers Lunch brings some good news for you, then:
Humorist Bob Powers’ first two books in the JUST MAKE A CHOICE! series, a contemporary choose-your-own-adventure format in which the protagonist is an ambivalent thirty-year old is terrified to make the choices that would add focus to his career and his love life for fear that he’ll never be able to go back and start over again if he’s wrong.
We understand Benjamin Kunkel is preparing a copyright-infringement suit.