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Men’s Health

  1. ink-stained wretches
    Zinczenko Vs. Abrams: Are Men Done For?Watching bromantic dudeitors spar.
  2. abs of state
    Youngest And Hottest Congressman Gives America What it WantsAbs.
  3. bromances
    Dave Zinczenko and Dan Abrams First Bonded Over Abrams’s ‘Ball Cancer’So romantic!
  4. booze you can use
    New York Is One of the Country’s ‘Least Drunk’ CitiesThat’s what ‘Men’s Health’ says at least.
  5. ab-stained wretches
    If You Think Every Men’s Health Issue Has the Same Contents, You May Be RightAccording to their cover lines, at least.
  6. media deathwatch
    Cuts at Women’s Day and Men’s JournalAnd yet, new magazines are churning out literally every day.
  7. early and awesome
    Barack Obama to Pose for November Cover of ‘Men’s Health’Now the clock is ticking on the most important test of his life: Come November, will Barack Obama have rock-hard abs?
  8. gossipmonger
    Cameron Diaz to Invade ChelseaCameron Diaz is looking to buy an apartment in West Chelsea and also hooked up with Felicity’s Scott Speedman in the Bahamas. Samantha Stein-Wells, daughter of murdered real-estate broker Linda Stein, is turning her 35th birthday into a charity event in her mom’s name. Padma Lakshmi told Dave Zinczenko that she’d cover her body in chocolate if he put her on the cover of Men’s Health. Portfolio magazine named Newsweek fashion scribe Dana Thomas its European editor. Michelle Williams has pulled out of her upcoming movie with Ryan Gosling because she’s too beat up over Heath Ledger’s death. Maybe-pregnant Angelia Jolie went shopping at a baby boutique in Tribeca.
  9. gossipmonger
    Eliot Spitzer Makes Hilarious Faux PasGovernor Spitzer lauded Kerry Kennedy during a speech his rival Andrew Cuomo was at, knowing that Kennedy and Cuomo went through a bitter divorce after she cheated on him. CNBC “Street Sweetie” Erin Burnett is catching heat at the network for the Men’s Health story she wrote titled, “Eight Things That Would Impress Me,” which made her look like, well, a girl who likes to be around money. New Jersey Net Jason Kidd’s girlfriend, Hope Dworaczyk, is pregnant. Stars and publicists hate working with Men’s Vogue because the magazine double-books covers. Jessica Seinfeld may or may not have plagiarized from a third cookbook. Cindy Adams claims a New Hampshire pollster told her before the primary that Hillary Clinton was gonna win by six points.
  10. company town
    Editors Give Zinczenko Bombast an ‘F’MEDIA • Participants at the American Magazine Conference revolted against “The Magabrand Revolution,” the ostensible theme name cooked up by Men’s Health editor David Zinczenko. One editor commented, “I usually have to use ‘magabrand’ with a modifier in front of it, and that modifier starts with the letter ‘F.’” [Mixed Media/Portfolio] • Jeff Zucker can’t stop denying those NBC sale rumors. Wethinks the lady… [Reuters] • When they ran into each other at the Jessica Seinfeld book party, Rupert Murdoch asked Arianna Huffington how many hits HuffPo was getting. Huffington told him 3 million a month; Murdoch politely noted that MySpace, which he owns, ran closer to 70 million. [Fortune]
  11. gossipmonger
    Ann Bass Was RobbedSocialite Ann Bass, ex-wife of billionaire investor Sid Bass, and artist boyfriend Julian Lethbridge were robbed at their tony Connecticut estate. Richard Nixon’s daughter Tricia couldn’t bring herself to attend Frost/Nixon. Rutgers women’s basketball coach Vivian Stringer signed a lucrative deal to write an autobiography. Alec and Stephen Baldwin split some macaroni and cheese while bowling. Madonna ex Carlos Leon hooked up with model Kat Forseca at the Bowery Hotel. Josh Lucas hooked up with a writer from Harper’s Bazaar at the Gramercy Park Hotel. Christine Ebersole once bribed a cop with $100. Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony plan to file libel suits against the National Enquirer in Europe, where their odds of victory are higher. Chloë Sevigny writes about her wild youth in the introduction to a friend’s memoir.