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Michael Oliver

  1. in other news
    Sean Bell Cops Face Internal NYPD ChargesRay Kelly handed down charges against eight officers today related to the Sean Bell shooting.
  2. intel
    The Sean Bell Trial: The Tortuous Road to ‘Not Guilty’A close look into what led up to today’s “not guilty” verdict for the cops accused of killing Sean Bell.
  3. it just happened
    Officers in Sean Bell Trial Acquitted of All ChargesJudge Arthur J. Cooperman declared all three officers “not guilty” this morning.
  4. in other news
    The City and Al Sharpton Gear Up for Verdict in Bell TrialAs Ray Kelly assembles cops to deal with any unrest tomorrow and over the weekend, Sharpton is uneasy.
  5. in other news
    Why the Sean Bell Trial Hasn’t Exploded (Yet) Andrea Peyser needs Al Sharpton’s help. The Post columnist has been doing her sneering best to try to pump some racial tension into the trial of three cops accused of murdering Sean Bell. Lately, though, Peyser sounds more frustrated than incendiary: “This was supposed to be a case about racist cops shooting a black man for no good reason,” she recently complained. Where is Reverend Sharpton to make an inflammatory stand when you need him? Disney World, that’s where!
  6. in other news
    Sean Bell’s Friends Shed More Light on His Final MomentsAs witness testimony in the Sean Bell trial continues, new details provide some clarification and more questions about the young man’s last night. Bell’s friends Larenzo Kinred and Hugh Jensen took the stand today to explain what they remembered about that evening outside of Club Kalua. According to the Times, they corroborated accounts by police officers that Bell had gotten into an argument with a man dressed in black who seemed to have a gun. The cops say that the altercation is what led them to believe that Bell and his friends might have been getting into the car to perform a drive-by shooting, but Kindred and Jensen say the fight wasn’t so serious — both weren’t even distracted from their pursuit of women they had met in the club. They also said they had seen two white men inside the club and assumed they were cops. There is still much debate over whether or not Bell and his friends knew white police officer Michael Oliver was a cop when he approached them in their car. Prosecutors have said that they did not, and that they tried to speed away because they were afraid they were getting carjacked. For more of what we know about that fateful evening, see Robert Kolker’s piece in this week’s New York. Friends of Bell Describe Argument Outside Club [NYT] Related: A Bad Night at Club Kalua [NYM]