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Minimum Wage Increase

  1. politics
    One Cheer for the Infrastructure DealIf a bipartisan infrastructure bill was necessary to get 50 Senate Democrats to vote for the reconciliation bill, it was worth it — but just barely.
  2. feminism
    For International Women’s Day, Raise the Minimum WageLow wages keep women in poverty and make them vulnerable to sexual abuse.
  3. the republican party
    The GOP’s Establishment Is More Populist Than Its TrumpistsHouse Republicans are more staunchly pro-Trump — and anti-minimum-wage hikes – than Mitch McConnell is.
  4. minimum wage increase
    Democrats Courted Fight for $15. The Movement Wants Them to Deliver.“Stop trying to play nicey-nice in the sandbox.”
  5. politics
    $15 Minimum Wage Is Dead for Now Thanks to One Unelected OfficialBiden must decide whether to change the rules or change the subject.
  6. politics
    Republican Senators Haven’t Represented a Majority of Voters Since 1996The anti-majoritarian nature of the Senate has helped Republicans block progress for many years.
  7. covid-19 stimulus
    House Prepares to Pass Biden’s COVID Relief Bill This WeekThe bill should easily clear this first hurdle, but there will probably be more drama in the Senate.
  8. minimum wage increase
    There Was Some Late-Night Maneuvering on the Minimum WageJoni Ernst tried to set up a trap for moderate Democrats during the vote-a-rama. But Bernie Sanders outfoxed her and avoided a recorded vote.
  9. budget reconciliation
    What Is Budget Reconciliation and Why Does It Matter for Biden’s Agenda?For 40 years, reconciliation has provided a way to bypass the Senate filibuster. It may be crucial for passing Biden’s stimulus plan.