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  1. the economy
    There’s Plenty of Economic Anxiety in America. It’s Hurting Trump Politically.Yes, the economy is doing well overall, but those left out of the bounty are not very happy with Donald Trump or his party.
  2. 2020 presidential election
    Is Chaotic 2020 the Right Time for Democrats to Neuter Superdelegates?It makes sense to let voters rather than superdelegates control presidential nominations. But 2020 could be the exception that proves the rule.
  3. How the Democrats Can Make Inroads in the SouthThe landscape is tough, but demographic change, voter-registration efforts, and a little luck could go a long way toward reviving southern Democrats.
  4. Minority Voters’ Fear of Trump Presidency Is a Big X-Factor in the ElectionHow intense is it? And how will it affect turnout?
  5. How Strong Is Support for Clinton Among Women of Color?An attempt to answer a question raised by The Atlantic.
  6. Bernie Sanders May Not Have Won California, But He Made the State BluerCall it a mini revolution.
  7. Dems’ Battle for Black Voters Gets More IntenseSanders is going after Hillary Clinton’s African-American “firewall,” but it may still hold.
  8. food fights
    Minority Groups’ Soda Industry Ties QuestionedSoda companies say their reasons for giving away millions are pure.
  9. minorities
    Debrahlee Lorenzana Is Not Going to Get Fat Just Because You AreThe woman who claims she was fired from Citigroup for being too good-looking continues to fight against the uglies who try to keep her down.