Displaying all articles tagged:


  1. life after warming
    Global Warming Is Melting Our Sense of TimeClimate change isn’t just a brutal form of time travel to both the future and prehuman past, it is discombobulating to our very sense of linear time.
  2. white men with money
    Countrywide Is Righting Wrongs, Writing ChecksWould that make a better rap or country lyric?
  3. mortgages
    Banks Haunted, Sued by the Ghosts of Credit Unions PastThe National Credit Union Administration is suing JPMorgan and Royal Bank of Scotland.
  4. the rich hunt
    Only a Few Rich Homeowners Are Ruthless, ShamelessThe ‘Times’ figures about wealthy people who default on their home loans are a little misleading.
  5. the rich hunt
    Times: All Rich People Are ‘Ruthless,’ ‘Shameless’Until they’re not rich anymore.
  6. fi-cri fallout
    Deutsche Bank Is New Haven’s ‘Foreclosure King’The German bank is deeply involved in the housing-market crisis.
  7. fi-cri fallout
    Fannie Mae Asks for $8.4 Billion After Losing $11.5 BillionOh, dear.
  8. fi-cri fallout
    SEC Charges Goldman Sachs With Subprime Fraud (Updated)Says the firm let hedge-funder John Paulson pay them to structure a crappy CDO, then sold it to clients like it was awesome.
  9. real estate
    Steady Case-Shiller Housing Index Gets Mixed ReactionsHome prices in twenty major cities flattened out in October: Should we be worried?
  10. toxic asshats
    Goldman’s Jonathan Egol Helped the Firm Short Its Own ClientsWhile pure capitalists might appreciate the genius of this maneuver, on a human level it seems like an uncool thing to do.
  11. the greatest depression
    Remember That Nice Girl Who Got You Your Subprime Mortgage?Wonder what she’s doing now …
  12. moving on up
    Emboldened Renters Explore Strange New World of Co-opsFalling prices make for a buyer’s paradise, but what if those buyers are totally average?!
  13. early and often
    McCain’s Mortgage-Bailout Plan Has Pretty Much Everyone Up In ArmsDoubts are being raised in both liberal and conservative corners about the burden the plan places on taxpayers.
  14. company town
    Is the New Broadway Esplanade Really Safe?That’s what some people lunching there wonder. Plus, the latest in New York media, finance, and legal news.
  15. it just happened
    Breaking News: Princess Chunk a Victim of ForeclosureThe mortgage crisis has an adorable, slightly bloated, new mascot.
  16. intel
    Idiot’s Guide: Fannie Mae and Freddie MacWho are those farm children anyway, and why are they in trouble?