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N Word Tape

  1. early and often
    NBC's "The Apprentice" Recruiting Tour
    The Mythical Trump N-Word Tape Is BackThe persistent (and maybe pointless) rumor has been given new life by a producer on The Apprentice who claims he heard Trump use the racial slur.
  2. the national interest
    White House ‘Can’t Guarantee’ There’s No Tape of Trump Saying N-WordAn incredibly revealing lack of confidence by Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
  3. omarosa
    New Omarosa Tape Lends More Credence to Possibility of Trump N-word Recording“He said. No, he said it. He is embarrassed by it.”
  4. trump white house
    A Guide to Omarosa’s Trump N-word Tape AllegationsOmarosa claims she’s heard the damning tape, and expects it to be released soon. But Trump aides say she told them a wildly different story.