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  1. wealth tax
    If You Can’t Have Wealth Taxes, You Don’t Have a CountryThe law-and-order-loving nationalist’s case for Elizabeth Warren’s tax policies.
  2. nationalism
    National Conservatives Want Cultural Dominance Not ‘Social Cohesion’The right can foster “national solidarity” or impose its social values on an increasingly diverse and secular country, but it can’t do both.
  3. foreign interests
    Voters Want an ‘America First’ Foreign Policy (Just Not Trump’s)A majority wants to prioritize domestic spending over the military budget, and their own economic security over spreading democracy.
  4. steve bannon
    Report: The Church Really Doesn’t Want Steve Bannon’s Alt-Right Academy in ItalyA top cardinal warned Bannon not to set up his “gladiator school for culture warriors” in a 13th-century monastery.
  5. foreign policy
    The President Treats the U.N. to a Good Old-Fashioned Trump RallyThe president’s nationalist speech was a list of things that the United States does and doesn’t see as threatening.
  6. foreign policy
    Donald Trump Is Going to Try a Tricky Balancing Act at the United NationsTrump wants to mount a defense of American sovereignty to please his base while selling allies on shared sacrifice.
  7. what the right is reading
    Are You a Nationalist or an Imperialist?Political theorist Yoram Hazony argues in a new book that you if you’re not one, you’re the other.
  8. Steve Bannon’s Dubious Plan to Purge Senate RepublicansIt’s hard to tell whether it’s just talk or a real threat.
  9. Bannon on the Outside Could Be Even More DangerousWhile Bannon’s rivals in the administration will be happy to see him go, he could cause the White House immense problems as a free agent.
  10. the far right
    Things Aren’t Looking Good for Geert Wilders and His Party in the Dutch ElectionThe first round of exit polling suggests a disappointing showing for the far-right, anti-Islam candidate and the party he founded.
  11. Yet Another Goldman Sachs Banker Is Headed for the Trump AdministrationWall Street sees Deputy Treasury Secretary nominee Jim Donovan as a check on Steve Bannon’s economic nationalism.
  12. Steve King, the Nativist Who Just Comes Right Out and Says ItWhile some on the populist right endlessly profess their belief in the equality of all races, religions, and cultures, King doesn’t bother.
  13. Trump Offers Conservatives the World — in Exchange for Their PrinciplesIs the mainstream right ready to replace its traditional values with pure nationalism?
  14. Trump Prepares to Radically Reduce American Funding of the United NationsTrump’s executive order would cut U.S. funding of international organizations by 40 percent, devastating U.N. peacekeeping and refugee aid efforts.
  15. international intrigue
    French Jews Pretty Sure They’re Still FrenchBy singing “La Marseillaise.”