Displaying all articles tagged:

New Media

  1. Mike Elk on Trying to Unionize Politico“Unfortunately, the anti-union forces in the newsroom have tried to make the union drive all about me.”
  2. obits
    How NBCUniversal Killed DailyCandyA tale of mismanagement and misplaced vision.
  3. known and unknown
    Donald Rumsfeld Is an UnderminerWatch your back, Kissinger.
  4. new media
    Maer Roshan Launches Hilarious New Site About AddictionIt includes rehab reviews!
  5. school daze
    Columbia J-School’s Existential CrisisThe media bloodbath has made for unhappy days uptown, and a fight for change is brewing in the school’s hallowed halls.
  6. blog-stained wretches
    Gawker Media Managing Editor to ‘Fast Company,’ Consumerist.com on the BlockMore changes under way at Nick Denton’s blog empire.
  7. blog-stained wretches
    Jeff Jarvis Is Kind of Jerky About JournalismIn which two aging writers go at it over how to mourn the death of old media.
  8. Sweet Justice for ‘Old Magazine Hack’ Tina BrownBrown’s Daily Beast surpassed webemy Michael Wolff’s Newser in its first month. Nonny-nonny boo-boo.
  9. blog-stained wretches
    Nick Denton on Media: We Are All ‘Sleepwalking Into Economic Extinction’According to the Gawker Media chief, there’s hope for quick-thinking Internet companies. Big conglomerates, sorry, it’s too late.