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    This Is What Robots Think Nudes AreAI porn is awful, but AI nude portraits are nice!
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    How 4 College Students Traded Their Nudes for a Very Cute PuppyBalto the husky was for sale for $300 … or several nude photos.
  3. Why This Comedian Is Selling ‘Shrek Nudes’ to Benefit Planned Parenthood“The real idea behind it is that no matter how silly or bizarre an idea people think selling Shrek nudes is, it’s an idea that involves my body that’s 100 percent within my control.”
  4. politics
    Upstate Politician With Sepia-Toned Nude Self-Portraits Lost ElectionStephen Eckel now has more time to focus on his photography.
  5. nudes
    White House Streaker Not A Security ThreatJust a guy out for a jog in 35 degree weather.
  6. nudes
    Naked Photo of Carla Bruni Not Worth as Much as it Once WasAnd with that, a new economic indicator is born.