Chris Christie Is Fat. So What?’The Obesity Myth’ is the essential text to understand the currents of cultural prejudice that will be marshaled against Chris Christie.
Sticks And Stones May Break SJP’s Bones (Okay, Just Sticks, Even), But Words…Sarah Jessica Parker claims that she wasn’t hurt when Maxim named her the Unsexiest Woman Alive, but we detect a certain amount of defensiveness in her response, which came out in the London Sunday Express. “I believe in the old ‘sticks and stones’ philosophy, so frankly their words don’t come close to hurting,” the Sex and the City star said, but couldn’t help adding: “How many women wouldn’t want to step into the Manolos that are waiting for me in the wardrobe department every morning?” Not many, we bet! But it doesn’t matter. “What they don’t know is that one day I’ll wake up fat,” SJP explained. “But I’ll still be happy, just like I am now.” Hmmm. Two things: One, the idea that you could suddenly wake up obese, having gone to bed a toothpick, is really awesome. (Can we make a ray gun that does that to people? Can we test it out on Ann Coulter?) And two, Sarah Jessica Parker barely gained weight when she had an entire other human inside her. Remember all those skimpy outfits she wore in the dreaded pregnancy season of SatC? She’s too much of a workaholic — there’s no way that lady is ever going to wake up fat. Until, you know, we get our hands on that ray gun.
The Sexiest Put-Down [British Vogue]
in other news
Hey, New Yorkers: You’re Fat!
So you know how the city banned trans fats from our foods? And is making fast-food places post nutrition information? And otherwise going out of its way to healthy us up? And how everybody seems to be at the gym all the time? And how Whole Foods, with its organic this and whole-grain that, is taking over the city? Yeah, well, today’s Daily News brings news that New York — granted, the state, not the city — budged not at all on the national obesity ranking this year. We’re apparently the 38th most obese state, with 22.4 percent of New Yorkers weighing in as obese and more than half overweight. But, actually, things might not be so bad: We’re not that far off from the skinniest state, Colorado, where 17.6 percent of the population is obese, and we’re a far cry from Mississippi, with more than 30 percent obesity. Sometimes we’re really glad we have Mississippi.
Bulge Battle Weighs on New Yorkers [NYDN]