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Oh America!

  1. oh america!
    Many Americans Don’t Agree With ‘Declaration’Thirteen percent don’t think that “governments derive their only just powers from the consent of the governed.”
  2. oh america!
    White Coke Cans Befuddle the American ConsumerCoke is changing them back, because we are dumb.
  3. oh america!
    Americans Still Only Vaguely Understand July 4Only 58 percent can identify 1776 as America’s year of independence.
  4. oh america!
    Things That Must Make President Obama Want to Just Give Up on AmericaAmericans have no idea who they’re supposed to hate for TARP.
  5. oh america!
    A Quarter of Americans Have No Idea What We’re Celebrating This WeekendThey think we gained independence from France, or China.
  6. the supremes
    Majority of Americans Can’t Name a Supreme Court JusticeOnly 15 percent remember that lady, Sonia something.
  7. oh america!
    The Coffee Party Is Like a Calmer, More Cooperative, More Boring Tea PartyPeople who want government to work for us, now! Please!