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Ok! Magazine

  1. media metamorphoses
    AMI Buys OK! MagazineTime Inc. apparently dodged a bullet.
  2. ink-stained wretches
    Richard Spencer In As Editor of OK!There’s been some shuffling at the struggling celebrity weekly.
  3. ink-stained wretches
    OK! Has Lost $175.7 Million in Four YearsBut it’s still ticking!
  4. media deathwatch
    Radio Joins the Layoff BandwagonMore media layoffs and shrinkage.
  5. gossipmonger
    Jessica Stam Is Having Boy TroubleWhich makes us feel, like, zero percent bad for her, because even people with alien-goddess faces need to deal with schlubs sometimes.
  6. party chat
    SATC’s Stanford Plans to Adopt a ChildWillie Garson, a.k.a. Stanford Blatch from ‘Sex and the City,’ will adopt.