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  1. last night on late night
    Omarosa Unblocks Suppressed Memories of Donald and Ivanka’s ‘Awkward’ Behavior“He would rub her for a very long period of time.”
  2. omarosa
    Source Says Omarosa Has Videos, TooMore documentary evidence, more potential headaches for the Trump administration.
  3. veterans
    Trump Picked a Fight With Vietnam Vets Over Who Knew More About Apocalypse NowDuring a White House meeting on health care, Trump fought with veterans over who knew more about the difference between napalm and Agent Orange.
  4. politics chat
    Does a Tape of Donald Trump Saying the N-word Exist? Would It Matter If It Did?Four New York staffers discuss the political impact of Omarosa’s allegation that a recording of Donald Trump using an anti-black racial slur exists.
  5. the national interest
    White House ‘Can’t Guarantee’ There’s No Tape of Trump Saying N-WordAn incredibly revealing lack of confidence by Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
  6. omarosa
    New Omarosa Tape Lends More Credence to Possibility of Trump N-word Recording“He said. No, he said it. He is embarrassed by it.”
  7. trump white house
    A Guide to Omarosa’s Trump N-word Tape AllegationsOmarosa claims she’s heard the damning tape, and expects it to be released soon. But Trump aides say she told them a wildly different story.
  8. the national interest
    Donald Trump Hires the Worst People, According to Trump“Disgraceful,” “drugged-up loser,” “low-life” and other Trump descriptions of the people Trump hires.
  9. trump white house
    White House Looks at Legal Options for Silencing Omarosa, Probably Won’t SucceedExperts say it’s unlikely she broke the law by taping her firing, and pressing the point raises new concerns about security in Trump’s White House.
  10. omarosa
    Omarosa Secretly Recorded John Kelly Firing HerWho could have predicted that a notoriously volatile reality-show contestant wouldn’t go quietly?
  11. the national interest
    Omarosa Is Leveraging Her Tapes Against the Trump AdministrationOmarosa may or may not have the goods, but she knows exactly what she is doing, and Trump is right to be scared.
  12. trump white house
    Omarosa Really Does Have Secret Recordings From the Trump White HouseThe Washington Post has confirmed that the former White House aide has the tapes — but it’s unclear whether she’s “got the goods.”