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Pennsylvania Supreme Court

  1. gerrymandering
    Another State Says to Hell With GerrymanderingAfter the Supreme Court punted on the issue, state constitutions like Ohio’s may hold the key to reform.
  2. vision 2020
    Trump’s Only Credible Legal Strategy Won’t Be EnoughIt’s possible the Supreme Court will accept Republican efforts to disallow late mail ballots in Pennsylvania. But there aren’t enough votes to matter.
  3. vision 2020
    Supreme Court Stops GOP Effort to Reject Tons of Ballots in PennsylvaniaThe 4-4 decision was a setback for Republicans, but it might have gone differently if Amy Coney Barrett were already confirmed.
  4. vision 2020
    Pennsylvania Becomes Ground Zero For Election LawsuitsOne key struggle is over a court ruling that determined that “naked ballots” mailed without special envelopes will not be counted in November.
  5. 2018 midterms
    Republicans Beginning to Abandon Doomed House CandidatesWe are at that point in the election cycle when Republicans are cutting their losses and consolidating their dollars to save their majority.
  6. Another PA GOP Congressman Resigns, Triggering Another Special ElectionIn this really bad year for Pennsylvania Republicans, two more special elections are imminent before a terrible-looking November.
  7. The House Midterm Landscape is Settling — and It Looks Treacherous for the GOPWhile the big-picture factors affecting the 2018 elections have marginally improved for Republicans, individual races aren’t looking so hot for them.
  8. The GOP Is Serious About Impeaching P.A. Judges for Reversing Their GerrymanderRepublican legislators in Pennsylvania have the power to impeach and remove judges. But could that backfire in the court of public opinion?
  9. The Debate Over Gerrymandering Is Changing in a Fundamental WayRedistricting isn’t just about nice-looking maps anymore.
  10. Trump Advocates for Good Old-Fashioned GerrymanderingAs usual, subtlety is not the president’s strong suit.
  11. Governor Wolf Rejects a New GOP Gerrymandered Congressional Map for PennsylvaniaNow the Pennsylvania Supreme Court will draw its own map, using an independent redistricting expert.
  12. Pennsylvania Lawmaker Hopes to Impeach Justices Who Rejected Gerrymandered MapSomeone has been giving Republicans ideas about doing away with courts that don’t rule in their favor.
  13. Pennsylvania Court Kills Gerrymandered Pro-GOP Congressional MapIn really bad timing for Republicans, a state court applying state law overturns a congressional map and requires new districts this year.