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  1. life in pixels
    Petitions Are Everywhere Because We Don’t Know How Else to Do PoliticsHow are you supposed to fix the government — or Game of Thrones?
  2. petitions
    Lame White House Refuses to Build a Death Star Despite a compelling petition.
  3. gun control
    White House Officially Refuses to Deport Piers MorganJay Carney finally responded to the petition asking for it.
  4. petitions
    Second Amendment Defenders Want CNN’s Piers Morgan Deported That Brit has been allowed to berate gun advocates for too long.
  5. fantasies
    Betty White Fans Are Preparing for the DNC Like They Prepare for EverythingThey’ve started a petition requesting her presence onstage in Charlotte. 
  6. democracy
    Petitioners Demand That White House Reveal Its Honey Ale Recipe“I think it’s time for beer.”