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  1. college admissions scandal
    College Admission Scam Involved Photoshopping Kids’ Heads Onto Athletes’ BodiesA truly hilarious detail from newly unsealed court documents.
  2. select all
    Feast Your Eyes on the Horror That Is Trump’s Face With Queen Elizabeth’s BodyTerrifying.
  3. select all
    4 Ways One Photoshopper Made Olympic Tennis Even More InterestingTennis looks a lot more fun in outer space.
  4. God Couldn’t Save the Queen From Being Hilariously PhotoshoppedThe Queen’s outfit turned her into a giant green screen.
  5. We Can’t Stop Laughing at These Photoshopped Pictures of a Two-Legged CatMe-ouch. (I’m sorry.)
  6. health
    Man With ‘Missing Leg’ Wants RevengeThe star of a new Health Department ad would rather be selling soda.
  7. new york department of health
    NYC Health Department’s Amputation Ad Was PhotoshoppedThe man pictured did not, in fact, lose a leg to diabetes.
  8. levitation nation
    Can You Spot the Problem With This Picture?Is the lighting a little off, maybe?
  9. in other news
    We Call Photoshop on the ‘People’ Pics of the Brangelina TwinsThere’s something fishy about the $14 million cover of the celebrity magazine.
  10. in other news
    Our Mideast Peace Plan A day after we jokingly anticipated a Post headline “Rent Kikes,” several female Israeli parliament members got upset that the country’s New York consulate is participating in a Maxim “Girls of the IDF” feature and the Post obligingly delivered with “Hebrew-ha-ha” on the cover and “Babes in Oy Land” inside the paper. But what’s the actual kvetch? “It’s unfortunate that the Israeli consulate chose to emphasize Israel’s relevance with a portrait of a half-naked woman, instead of with one of women of substance and accomplishments,” one of the complaining Knesseteers told an Israeli paper. And, truth be told, we agree. So here’s our road-map solution, submitted for Maxim’s no-doubt-forthcoming “Israeli Women of Substance and Accomplishments” issue. Golda’s balcony, indeed. Babes in Oy Land Scuffle [NYP]