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Please Don’t Hurt Us

  1. rupe’s troops
    Website of Murdoch’s Sun HackedPretty distastefully, too.
  2. loose lips
    WikiLeaks Fights Back Against Credit Card Blockade, Spoofs MasterCard Ad“Fighting legal cases across five countries? $1,000,000.”
  3. post-modern love
    One of the Forever-Alone Singles 4Chan Lured to Times Square Is Actually Rather DashingHis name is Keats and he wears a fedora.
  4. please don’t hurt us
    4chan Using Fake OkCupid Profiles to Lure Pathetic Singles to Times SquareLike “forever alones” didn’t have it bad enough.
  5. please don’t hurt us
    Observer: Vanity Fair Scribe Was Paid Scientology ‘Spy’Ooh la la!
  6. ink-stained wretches
    The New Yorker Sent Scientologists 971 Fact-Checking QuestionsWe hazard a guess as to one of the queries.
  7. hacktivists unite!
    What Did a Hacker Write on Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook Wall?Apparently we’re in the middle of “#hackercup2011.”
  8. secrets secrets are no fun
    WikiLeaks-Style Info Dump on Gawker Coming?That’s what has staffers worried.
  9. blog-stained wretches
    The Aftermath of the Gawker Hack [Updated]Nick Denton has something on his face.
  10. loose lips
    Hackers Take Down Mastercard in Revenge for Blocking WikiLeaksPayPal, Visa, and Amazon … get ready for “Operation Payback.”