Nacho Figueras Explains Polo to UsWe’re not sure we believe it, but according to the Argentine player, it’s not just models and hedge-fund dudes who like watching the sport.
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Staten Island Wants You
Ladies and gentlemen, Staten Island is burning. Well, not quite yet; but a new report from the Center for Urban Future extrapolates the mysterious borough’s stats into 2020, and comes up with a less-than-pretty picture. According to the prognosis, “without a change in direction,” Staten Island is in for “an economic decline and a significant deterioration in its quality of life.” The doomsday scenario is this: The population will grow, but the young people will keep skipping the island for trendier addresses. As a result, the borough’s makeup will soon begin to resemble a kind of lower-middle-class retirement community. This, in turn, will attract a certain kinds of businesses: day care, social services, ESL courses, and downscale retail – “low-skilled” and “low-paying” jobs all (the report’s words, not ours). What’s the Center’s solution? Artists! Hip, happening, broke-ass artists!