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Post Reality

  1. post reality
    The Last Glassholes Are Still on RedditBut please, please, don’t call them Glassholes.
  2. post reality
    Augmented Reality Smart Glasses Aren’t on the Streets, They’re on Factory FloorsHow augmented-reality smart glasses are being used on shop floors around the world.
  3. post reality
    AR Gaming Is a Work in Progress — But There Are Still Some Good GamesThe best of the best.
  4. post reality
    The Past and Future of the Head-up Display, the Original Augmented RealityHow the head-up display moved from fighter jets to minivans.
  5. post reality
    Want to Try Augmented Reality? This Is the Hardware You’ll NeedWhile phones are perfectly suitable AR devices, if you want to make 3-D models or battle zombies the right way, you’ll need dedicated hardware.
  6. post reality
    A History of Snapchat’s Dancing Hot Dog, AR’s Breakthrough MomentTalking to Snap about the lens that captivated the world.
  7. augmented reality
    10 Cool Augmented-Reality Apps That You Might Actually UseGoogle Play and the App Store are awash with augmented-reality apps, and many of them are terrible. Here are ten that actually show AR’s potential.
  8. post reality
    The Best Use of Augmented Reality Right Now Is the Weather Channel’sIf you want proof of augmented reality’s potential, look to this news anchor surrounded by six feet of water.
  9. post reality
    Virtual Reality Lets You Escape the World. Augmented Reality Improves It.Five years ago, virtual reality was the future, and augmented reality was a joke. What happened?