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  1. very bad things
    FBI Agent Impersonated AP Reporter to Catch a TeenAny guesses as to why that’s a bad idea?
  2. de mayor
    De Blasio on Speeding SUV: Respect the NYPDHe doesn’t see a problem here.
  3. stuck in the mittle
    Everyone Traveling With Mitt Romney Is Obsessed With Marriott PointsThe more points you have, the more of a veteran you are.
  4. cable news
    Talk Box: Cable Talkers Respond to Ted Koppel’s Grumpy Op-EdThe former ABC anchor received some feisty retorts from the opinion shows he blames for ruining television news.
  5. ink-stained wretches
    When Party Reporters Turn 30: The Miraculous Transformation of Spencer MorganFrom late-night club-crawler to squeaky clean, soon-to-be married dad. Is this a sign of our times?
  6. company town
    Just in Time for ‘Times’ McCain Scuffle, ‘Time’ Editor Says Papers Shouldn’t Endorse CandidatesMEDIA • What is the New York Police Department’s policy for awarding press credentials? Journalists wonder the same thing. [NYT] • Time managing editor Rick Stengel ponders why newspapers endorse political candidates at a time when news consumers doubt the objectivity of the media. [Time] • Details of the deal that Newsweek struck with George W. Bush’s former brain have emerged: It’s a two-year, sixteen-column contract. [NYO]
  7. ink-stained wretches
    Low Temperatures, High Drama: Inside the Iowa Press Corps As you know, everyone who’s anyone in politics is in Iowa right now. But so is everyone who’s no one! That’s right, we’re talking about the press, the unwashed mass following the candidates around, scribbling and taping and snap-snapping as Hillary, Obama, McCain et al spout platitudes, stuff themselves full of local cuisine and generally attempt to maintain a grip on the love handles of the elusive midwestern vote. That’s who we want to know about. We’ve had enough of Billary and FreJeri Thompson and KuciniHottie. What about the writers, anchors and bloggers who make them who they are?? (Or at least tell us who they want them to be?) For those of you with a lurid curiosity about these sick characters, we did some digging into what the Iowa press corps is up to. And not just the Dana Milbanks and the Adam Nagourneys. (Spotted! The NYT staff having dinner at Lucca, the Italian place in Des Moines’ “East Village” that Ad Nags raved about in the travel section a few weeks ago.) We mean everyone. Take Jodi Kantor from the Times, for example.