Displaying all articles tagged:

Richard Blumenthal

  1. finsta
    Senator Asks Hall of Fame Terrible Tech QuestionAren’t there any young people on Richard Blumenthal’s staff?
  2. politics
    Trump’s Nominee for Deputy AG Won’t Say Brown v. Board Was Rightly DecidedThe prospective number-two DOJ official, which enforces civil rights laws, wouldn’t endorse the most important Supreme Court civil rights decision.
  3. the kavanaugh hearings
    Democrats Come Out With Guns Blazing at Kavanaugh HearingMaybe Senate Democrats will roll over eventually, but they aren’t going quietly along with the Kavanaugh confirmation initially.
  4. Trump Courts Appearance of Impropriety in Interviewing U.S. Attorney CandidatesHe personally interviewed U.S. attorney candidates in jurisdictions where cases against him or his businesses might arise.
  5. Trump Kicks Off His Vacation With Some Rage-TweetingWhere’s John Kelly when you need him?
  6. Senate Dems Looking for 3 Republicans Brave Enough to Help Them Get Russia ProbeBy holding confirmation of a Comey successor hostage to an independent-inquiry demand.
  7. There Was a Lot of Happy Talk on Day One of Neil Gorsuch’s Confirmation HearingsBut that’s about to end.
  8. Trump Suggests His Supreme Court Pick Is Fine With Attacks on the JudiciaryTrump argues that Judge Gorsuch couldn’t have criticized him, because Richard Blumenthal didn’t really serve in Vietnam.
  9. transportation
    Train Nearly Takes Out Senator During Safety Press Conference Accidents aren’t always the train’s fault.
  10. kredit kards
    Kardashians Back Out of Teen-Targeted Debit Card Bearing Their Names and ImagesBut hang on to this thing! It could be worth something one day.
  11. early and often
    Linda McMahon Down for the Count*Richard Blumenthal defeats the former WWE CEO.
  12. capital punishment
    Candidates Leverage Death-Penalty Support for Triple Murder to Win VotesThree-quarters of registered voters support the death penalty for Steven Hayes.
  13. midterm elections
    The Times Shrugs, Endorses Richard BlumenthalThey call him “charm-free” and say they were “troubled” by his misstatements on Vietnam, but ultimately concede that they have “larger concerns with the Republican, Linda McMahon.”
  14. adult services
    21 States Call for Village Voice Media to Shut Down Backpage.com’s Adult ServicesBut not everyone on Backpage.com has bad intentions.
  15. primaries
    Linda McMahon Victorious, Lamont Upset in Connecticut PrimariesObama-backed Michael Bennet wins in Colorado.
  16. early and awkward
    Richard Blumenthal’s Own Staffer Calls Him a Liar“He was lying to me face to face.”
  17. pulling a blumenthal
    Congressman Mark Kirk Making Richard Blumenthal Look Like George WashingtonThe Senate candidate is out-Blumenthalling Blumenthal.
  18. early and often
    Richard Blumenthal Doing Just FineVoters don’t really care about the Vietnam stuff.
  19. joetorious
    Joe Biden, in Declining to Pull a Blumenthal, Pulls a BidenWe were overdue for one of these.
  20. early and often
    Richard Blumenthal Is SorryThe Democratic candidate for senator in Connecticut apologizes.
  21. in other news
    Richard Blumenthal Not a Deceptive Lying Scoundrel After All?The New York ‘Times’ didn’t provide the full picture in its damning exposé earlier this week.
  22. early and awkward
    Richard Blumenthal’s ‘Good Friend’ Throws Him Under the BusA fellow Connecticut pol vents to the ‘Times.’
  23. misrepresentin’
    Times: Blumenthal Misrepresented His Vietnam ServiceSenate hopeful received at least five military deferments.