Displaying all articles tagged:

Rick Warren

  1. religion
    The Southern Baptist Church Is Going to Hell in a HandbasketAllegations of racism, sexual abuse, and idolatry toward Donald Trump are emanating from well-known figures in the largest Protestant denomination.
  2. Hillary Clinton’s ‘Faith Adviser’ Also Offered Bad AdviceBurns Strider may or may not be guilty of sexual misconduct. But it sounds like he was guilty of political malfeasance.
  3. gun control
    Rick Warren’s Son Committed Suicide With ‘Unregistered’ Gun Bought OnlineThe serial number was scratched off.
  4. sad things
    Mega Pastor Rick Warren’s Son Commits SuicideThe 27-year-old had been “struggling with mental illness and deep depression.”
  5. bons mots
    Rick Warren Doesn’t Want to Pay More TaxesThe megapastor’s megagaffe.
  6. early and often
    Rick Warren and Joseph Lowery Yesterday: Offensive or A-Okay?Some sensitive souls found offense in both Warren and Lowery’s addresses. Others did not!
  7. inaugur-nation!
    Rachel Maddow on Being ‘Enraged’ by Obama, and the Future of Fox NewsAll we had to do was ask about Rick Warren.
  8. inaugur-nation!
    Gays Look Forward, Try Not to Dwell on Rick WarrenIf Obama delivers on his policy promises, the pastor will be an afterthought.
  9. early and often
    Gay Bishop to Kick Off Obama’s Inaugural FestivitiesBut it’s not because all those liberals were pissed off about Rick Warren. Seriously.
  10. early and often
    Gay Saber-Rattling Finally Spooks Rick WarrenEither that or Barack Obama did.
  11. early and often
    Obama’s Outreach to Religious Right Somehow Not Sitting Well With LiberalsWhy is Rick Warren giving Obama’s inaugural invocation?
  12. early and often
    Who Won the Showdown at Saddleback?Pastor Rick was able to summon sides of the candidates we can’t usually see in standard debates.