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Robert E. Lee

  1. lost causes
    Famous Robert E. Lee Statue Time Capsule Found, for Real This TimeIt appears this is the official box, but the reported “picture of Lincoln lying in his coffin” still hasn’t turned up.
  2. historic disappointments
    Robert E. Lee Statue-Makers Troll Us Via Time CapsuleWhat we were promised: an ultra-rare picture of Lincoln in his coffin. What we got: a soggy photo of some guy who was never even president.
  3. confederate monuments
    Georgia Struggles With Its Giant Neo-Confederate EmbarrassmentStacey Abrams wants to sandblast the carving of Confederate leaders on state-owned property. That probably won’t happen with Brian Kemp as governor.
  4. confederate monuments
    Virginia Court Paves Way for Removal of Confederate Statues In CharlottesvilleIt’s another blow to the neo-Confederate effort to promote white supremacy via exaltation of the Lost Cause.
  5. capitol riot
    Could the 14th Amendment Ban Trump From Holding Office Again?Even if a Trump political comeback isn’t blocked by impeachment, his incitement to insurrection may make him subject to a ban meant for Confederates.
  6. what’s past is prologue
    What Will It Take to Make Juneteenth a National Holiday?The long struggle for Martin Luther King Jr. Day offers lessons that could ease the path to making Juneteenth a federal holiday.
  7. racism
    Two More Neo-Confederate School Names Challenged in VirginiaSchool officials resisting the NAACP suit tout history, but they’re the ones whitewashing the adoption of Confederate symbols to oppose civil rights.
  8. confederacy
    Celebrate Racism! It’s Jefferson Davis’s Birthday in AlabamaAnd yet you wonder why this state enacted an aggressively reactionary abortion law?
  9. 2018 elections
    Is Robert E. Lee a Hero? GOP Candidate’s Twitter Poll Isn’t Going as He HopedMississippi’s Chris McDaniel is sticking up for the Confederate general this week.
  10. No, Removing Monuments to Traitors Doesn’t Mean Removing Monuments to FoundersConfederate monuments don’t embody American history; they were built on lies about American history.
  11. John Kelly Is As Deluded About the Confederacy As Donald Trump IsThe wise, gray head who is supposed to be restraining Donald Trump seems as reactionary as his boss is on key matters of history and culture.
  12. Confederate Monuments Are Propaganda — Not HistoryMemorials to the Confederacy were erected by advocates of white supremacy.
  13. Trump’s Rehash of His Charlottesville Remarks Was Deceitful and Self-DestructiveNobody was surprised the president cut loose at a rally in Phoenix. But he showed he can’t drop his losing argument.
  14. Confederates in the CapitolDuring the Jim Crow era, southern states sought recognition in the Capitol for ex-Confederates and other proud racists. That may finally be corrected.
  15. Confederate Monuments Were Built to Change History, Not Preserve ItA democracy that retains monuments to men who committed treason — in defense of slavery — is one that has changed its history, not learned from it.
  16. charlottesville
    Trump Lawyer Forwards Email Claiming ‘No Difference’ Between Lee and Washington“Both saved America.”
  17. Robert E. Lee Monuments Are Symbols of Neo-Confederacy, Not the ConfederacyMonuments that went up to celebrate the white supremacist triumph in successfully setting up Jim Crow should come down now.
  18. Failing GOP Candidate in VA Shows Limits to Attacks on ‘Political Correctness’Virginia gubernatorial hopeful Corey Stewart seems to have gone too far by running on the Confederacy.