Chace Crawford and J.C. Chasez Hang Out With GirlsChace Crawford and J.C. Chasez hung out with girls and drank Cristal at a Vegas party thrown by Michael Strahan. A bunch of Upper East Side housewives at the premiere of The Real Housewives of New York City hated on the show. Because they were jealous. Among the stipulations in Kimora Lee Simmons’s contract rider is that her glass of Champagne must be filled whenever it gets below one inch. Employees at Philippe may have been watching celebs like Tom Brady and Gisele hook up in the restaurant’s private room via security camera. A party in honor of Baird Jones (open bar, naturally) will be held at Plumm this Friday, with a memorial service to be held at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine Saturday afternoon.
Doogie and Van Wilder Share a Moment of AwkwardnessIf any of you went to see Definitely, Maybe last night, or you know, have seen any of the ads for it, you already know that it’s basically the same premise as How I Met Your Mother. This has been covered pretty steadily since news of the film came out. But today on Live!, the awkwardness came to the fore. Neil Patrick Harris was subbing for Regis Philbin, and Ryan Reynolds was one of the celebrity guests. Reynolds stars as the handsome, likable dad in Definitely, and Harris stars as the despicable, hilarious Lothario Barney in Mother. Now, it turns out that Ryan and Neil are old friends: Neil even recalled having Ryan over to his house to discuss whether Ryan should accept a role on Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place (he did). But even their friendliness could not avoid the following moment, when Neil, Ryan and Kelly started discussing Ryan’s latest film:
Harris: Romantic comedy. [Preparing himself.] What’s it about?
Reynolds: It’s about a guy whose explaining his impending divorce to his daughter, and she wants to know how I met her…[pauses, probably remembers he had practiced a different way of describing the plot] uh mom.
Harris: How I Met Your Mother. [Gleefully] INTERESTING.
Harris let it go at that, but we consider it a small victory on behalf of the cast and fans of How I Met Your Mother everywhere.
Your Daily Intel Editors Are Characters in ‘Definitely, Maybe’!Last night, we went to the Ziegfeld premiere of the movie Definitely, Maybe. It’s that movie where Ryan Reynolds tells his daughter (Abigail Breslin) about all the women he’s loved over the years. Now, we won’t give away the ending, because that would be sort of like telling you what happens in the final episode of the show How I Met Your Mother. Okay, it would be exactly like that. So, anyway, one of the characters that Reynolds dates in the course of his storytelling is a lovely young writer, played by Rachel Weisz. She’s struggling to make it, and on her second meeting with Reynolds (at a book party for her literary-legend ex-boyfriend), he asks her what she’s been up to lately. And she replies, wait for it
I’m writing these really dumb items for New York Magazine while waiting for my big break to come.
If you were sitting in the Ziegfeld Theater last night, at that very moment you would have heard — from the far reaches of the back of the audience — an audible shriek. That was us.
Definitely, Maybe [Official site]
Amy Fisher: Bullet in the Head, Silicone in the Boobs — Same DiffAmy Fisher is unbothered that the bullet she fired into the head of Mary Joe Buttafuoco is still lodged in her brain. “I feel no sympathy for Mary Jo,” she said. “I still have silicone in my boobs, and you don’t hear me complaining. She can’t feel her bullet, and I can’t feel my silicone.” Gwyneth Paltrow said that she and hubby Chris Martin are open to adopting a baby but that they’d likely get it from Brooklyn instead of Africa. Don’t you know? It’s CNN that is biased! They’re the ones who have a problem with letting Fox News anchors appear on their shows, despite the fact that Fox News lets CNN anchors appear on its programs, the Rupert Murdoch–owned Post tells us. They’re probably just scared. Pussies.