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  1. president trump
    Trump’s Sanctuary-Cities Threat Is His Latest Bid to Govern by SabotagePromising to inflict harm on innocent Americans — until a coequal branch of government acts as his pawn — is Trump’s favorite negotiating tactic.
  2. Trump Moves to Gut Obamacare Benefits RequirementsIt looks like another effort to sabotage Obamacare.
  3. Trump Personally Tried to Sabotage Obamacare in IowaIowa wanted to implement (very conservative) reforms to keep its largest insurer on the exchanges. Trump got wind of the plan and ordered it killed.
  4. This White House Aide Is Trying to Sabotage Trump’s DACA DealThe Breitbart wing of the White House is pushing for Trump to demand radical cuts to legal immigration in exchange for showing Dreamers his mercy.
  5. The Trump Administration Just Confirmed That It Is Sabotaging ObamacareHHS explains that it is cutting enrollment efforts because Americans “won’t be convinced to sign up for ‘Washington-knows-best’ health coverage.”
  6. CBO: Obamacare Premiums Are Rising — and Trump Is to BlameThe nonpartisan office confirms what was already clear: Trump’s sabotage of Obamacare is causing a spike in premiums.
  7. Trump Takes His Sabotage of Obamacare to a New LevelIn his latest attempt to engineer a spike in premiums, Trump has (temporarily?) defunded Obamacare’s outreach groups.
  8. Obamacare Is Officially Not CollapsingWeeks ago, nearly 50 counties had no insurer selling Obamacare plans. Despite Trump’s many acts of sabotage, that number is now zero.
  9. Trump’s Sabotage of Obamacare Is WorkingBy engineering uncertainty, Trump is chasing insurers from rural marketplaces — and making it politically easier for Republicans to repeal the ACA.
  10. Trump Just Undermined Americans’ Access to Healthcare Out of Sheer SpiteTrump pulls ads alerting consumers to the Obamacare enrollment deadline — even though the spots have already been paid for.
  11. ISIS Defector Leaks a Lot of Terrorist PaperworkThe documents reveal 22,000 ISIS recruits from 51 countries.