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Sad And Gross Things

  1. sad and gross things
    Here’s What It Looks Like in Beijing During a Three-Day Smog AlertParents have been warned to keep their children indoors. 
  2. sad and gross things
    Horny Old Racist Has Shockingly Disgusting Excuse for Posting Porn in His WindowHe says it’s not to intimidate his Indian neighbors.
  3. sad and gross things
    Bob Costas Still Looks Like a MonsterHe’ll sit out again Wednesday night with pink eye.
  4. sad and gross things
    Bob Costas to Spend 24 Hours in the DarkHis 157 straight broadcasts end tonight.
  5. sochi olympics 2014
    Bob Costas’s Olympic Eye Infection Got Much WorseHe’s turned to vodka.
  6. crimes and misdemeanors
    Times Square Woody Arrested for Allegedly Touching ‘Numerous Girls’Yet another character faces criminal allegations.
  7. equal rites
    Kooky Gay ‘Cure’ Peddlers Sued for Fraud in New JerseyThe lawsuit is the first to take on “conversion therapy.”
  8. sad and gross things
    Theatergoer Vomited Over Balcony at GraceAn eyewitness reports.
  9. stand clear of the closing doors
    How Much Would It Take for You to Lick an Entire Subway Railing?This kid did it for $1.
  10. weinergate
    Just When You Thought the Weiner Story Couldn’t Get Any WorseHe may have messaged with a minor.
  11. Gross ‘Person Who Had Been Dead for a Long Time Before Anybody Noticed’ of the DayA Yonkers man was dead in his filthy home for up to eight years before he was found this morning.