Displaying all articles tagged:

Santiago Calatrava

  1. ogling oculus
    What People Really Think of Santiago Calatrava’s Oculus Transporation HubThe view from the PATH floor.
  2. Boondoggle or Beauty? A First Walk Through Calatrava’s Transportation HubCould it be both?
  3. drip drop
    The Ceiling of the WTC’s Calatrava Mall LeaksAnother black eye for the Oculus.
  4. architecture
    Santiago Calatrava’s Glorious BoondoggleHe was commissioned to design an architectural extravagance at ground zero. He succeeded, an accomplishment that threatens to destroy his reputation.
  5. the future
    In Defense of Calatrava’s World Trade Center HubIt may be over budget and behind schedule, but it shouldn’t be dismissed.
  6. company town
    Meredith Vieira Officially More Powerful Than Katie CouricAccording to ‘Forbes,’ at least. Plus, today’s real estate, law, media, and financial news.
  7. developing
    Bad News for Both of Santiago Calatrava’s Lower-Manhattan ProjectsBureaucratic holdups and funding failures are slowing the Word Trade Center transit hub and have killed the starchitect’s “Sky Cubes” residential tower.