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Shots Fired

  1. shots fired
    As Louisiana Is Forced to Fund Planned Parenthood, Texas Decides to StopMore shots fired at the organization due to “heavily edited” videos.
  2. Media Organizations Gather Troops and Prepare to Go to War in 2016There are hundreds of people already covering every moment of the 2016 presidential election. 
  3. Netanyahu Equates Hamas and ISIS in Another Controversial U.N. SpeechIsrael’s response to Abbas.
  4. shots fired
    Eight People Shot at East Flatbush Party All victims are stable.
  5. a very cuomo christmas
    With Christmas Suit Against Ernst & Young, Cuomo Continues Long Tradition of Ass KickingArea man explains.
  6. terrorble
    Temporary Lockdown After Shots Fired on the PentagonThe damage was minor, but we’re more worried about the possibility of a sniper.