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    If Snapchat and Slack Had a Kid It Would Probably Look Like the New Skype UpdateThe “new generation of Skype” looks surprisingly similar to every other popular social-media app on the market.
  2. Bloomberg Refers to Skype as ‘Snipe’ During Senior-Center VisitSilly Bloomie!
  3. technology
    Video Chat Is to Blame for ‘Skypanukkah,’ Absentee ParentingWave to grandma as the technology “reshapes domestic rituals.”
  4. tech
    Skype Acquiring GroupMePhone calls are getting really complicated.
  5. the future is coming
    Facebook Finds Two New Ways to Win War Against HomeworkVideo chatting and group messaging.
  6. acquisitions
    Microsoft Is Buying Skype for $8.5 Billion [Updated]For around $8.5 billion.
  7. the future is coming
    Facebook and Google Are Giving Skype the Once-OverAcquisitive looks.
  8. the future is coming
    Facebook Wants to Sell You Movies As Tech Companies Get Serious About Making Guap [Updated]Gimme gimme more gimme gimme more.
  9. the future is coming
    Tech Companies Are Suffering From ‘IPO Anxiety.’ Can Kayak Help?“IPO anxiety”: the fear that taking your start-up public is so 1999.
  10. the future is coming
    Facebook and Skype Conspire to Make Things More Difficult for Drunk PeopleAnd maybe stalkers.