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  1. The Lessons of Slate’s Election Day Handicapping ExperimentAn ambitious effort, but inaccurate results.
  2. Should You Trust Slate’s Early Numbers?The online magazine has launched an ambitious effort to provide real-time information on how the deal is going down. If nothing else, it is fun.
  3. select all
    The Scarier Thing About Slate’s Trump Server ArticleIt’s important to know where the data came from.
  4. Malcolm Gladwell, Nick Denton, and More on the Future of Media at Slate’s 20thDoes David Remnick miss Gawker?
  5. interview
    Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick on What’s Wrong (and Right) With the Media“We can only make things exciting if they’re, like, happening in front of us with funny hats.”
  6. interview
    Slate’s David Auerbach on What’s Wrong (and Right) With the Media“The free-content-plus-ads model in general is not working. The rise of clickbait and its ensuing decline is in fact evidence of this.”
  7. internet-stained wretches
    Slate Makes Halfhearted Attempt at Putting Up a PaywallThey won’t even use that term.
  8. puppies!!!!!!
    The Truth About Cats and Dogs on the InternetBreaking down the Internet’s animal preferences.
  9. blog-stained wretches
    Matthew Yglesias Will Be Blogging at SlateThe ThinkProgress economics writer is moving on.
  10. important questions
    The Mississippi Personhood Anti-Abortion Amendment Raises a Few Interesting QuestionsReductio ad absurdum.
  11. public intellectuals; private passions
    A Glimpse Into the Private Life of Jacob WeisbergAt home, the Slate editor cavorts with stuffed animals, according to a new book from his wife.
  12. ink-stained wretches
    Annie Lowrey Leaving Slate for the New York TimesThe business writer will be an economic policy correspondent at the Paper of Record.
  13. ink-stained wretches
    Another Laid-Off Slate Staffer Got a Good Job Very QuicklyAt the Gray Lady.
  14. blog-stained wretches
    Is It Time for the Troubled Washington Post Company to Divest Slate?If you love something, set it free?
  15. blog-stained wretches
    Slate Also Lays Off Book Editor and Wine ColumnistThe ax really fell hard today.
  16. ink-stained wretches
    Slate Lays Off Jack Shafer; Romenesko Will RetireBudget cuts and boredom, respectively.
  17. ink-stained wretches
    It Is Apparently Very Hard to Get a Cartoon in The New YorkerHarder than getting the joke.
  18. neighborhood news
    Air Conditioner Drippings Aren’t As Gross As You Might ThinkYou could even drink them. But don’t, really.
  19. foiled plotz
    Please Don’t Wish David Plotz a Happy Birthday on FacebookIt’s a trick.
  20. blog-stained wretches
    Slate’s Tom Scocca Decamps to DeadspinHe’ll be managing editor.
  21. party chat
    Simon Doonan: The Daily Beast’s Commenters Are Way Bitchier Than Slate’s“They’re, like, personal attacks.”
  22. media metamorphoses
    Slate Group Kills the Big MoneyThe financial-news website will shutter.
  23. intel
    Wisenheimers, Scary People, and Debate-Team Captains: A Taxonomy of Commenting CommunitiesAn anthropological survey of thirteen strange online cultures.
  24. times square bomb scare
    Further ‘Suspicious Activity’ Reported in Times SquareIn fact, there’s suspicious activity there all the time!
  25. incidentally daily intel plagarized this paragraph
    Scandal: Online Journalist Pastes Portions of Someone Else’s Story Into OwnVeteran journalist Gerald Posner acknowledged today that he copied five sentences from a Miami ‘Herald’ article this week.
  26. blog-stained wretches
    DoubleX to Be Folded Back Into Slate.comThe independent women’s magazine will no longer be independent.
  27. blog-stained wretches
    Double X Blog Fails to Get One Crucial Fact RightThere’s an important correction now appended to the Slate blog’s essay about Jezebel.
  28. media deathwatch
    Reshuffling, Reimagining at OK!The celebrity weekly will focus more on style. Also, several editors are out. That and the rest of today’s media news.
  29. media deathwatch
    The Media Says Au Revoir to All ThatHarperCollins is laying off staffers, the Toronto ‘Metro’ is written by interns, and approximately 41,000 media jobs have been slashed since the start of the recession. But things are looking up in France!
  30. client 9
    Silda Edits Eliot’s Slate Columns!Overheard: the former governor and Slate columnist discussing his creative process.
  31. client 9
    So Eliot Spitzer Walks Into a Massage Parlor…The former governor and current Slate columnist walked into a media party at Happy Ending with his head held high.
  32. press-box confidential
    Fred Hickman Highlights a Rather Embarrassing Week for ESPNThe ex-YES anchor turns out to be a space cadet, Rick Reilly loves teeth, and more, in this week’s look at the sporting press.
  33. Eliot Spitzer Gets a New GigThe former governor will write a new column for Slate starting tomorrow.
  34. blog-stained wretches
    Slate Lady Site Is the Earnest, Bookish JezebelSlate’s new lady site is going to be the Elizabeth to Jezebel’s Jessica.
  35. this should surprise no one
    Slate in the Tank for ObamaSlate’s staff and contributors vote, surprise no one.
  36. in other news
    The ‘Beast’ Has Awoken!Tina Brown’s IAC-sponsored news aggregator and blog launched last night — and it’s not the Huffington Post Redux.
  37. ink-stained wretches
    The Private Life of Jacob Weisberg, Part IISlate editor Jacob Weisberg and his wife Deborah Needleman give an interview to Fashion Week Daily and it turns out their lives are exactly like we imagined. No, EXACTLY.
  38. ink-stained wretches
    Mean New York Journo Kills ‘Pathetic’ Alt Weekly for SportSlate’s Jody Rosen’s tussle with a Houston alt weekly becomes a truly bizarre war of words.
  39. company town
    It’s Soon Going to Be Even Harder to Get a Seat in Bryant Park for LunchPlus the latest on Lehman, lawyers, and the state of print media, in our daily industry roundup.
  40. in other news
    Tomorrow’s Journalism, Today!Slate’s literary editor Meghan O’Rourke is working on a story about Facebook status updates. Obviously, this information needs to be shared as a Facebook status update of her own!
  41. early and often
    Media Panel Stretches Blog Metaphors, Blows Kisses at ObamaAt a NYU Media Talk last night focusing on “Publishing and the Election,” Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter called Thomas Payne “the original blogger.” We bet he didn’t have to deal with unending pajama jokes!
  42. company town
    JPMorgan Gearing Up to Move Into Bear’s Sweet HQFINANCE • JPMorgan Chase will probably move its investment-banking unit to Bear Stearns’ smokin’-hot headquarters on Madison Avenue. The building is valued at $1.2 billion, which is just one-fourth of quadruple the price JPMorgan paid for the firm itself. [NYP] • JPMorgan Chase’s valuation of Bear Stearns shows that financial institutions are significantly overvalued. Speaking of which, many employees had their life savings wiped out. [NYP, WSJ] • Meanwhile Goldman Sachs’ earnings are down but beat analysts’ expectations. [DealBook/NYT]
  43. ink-stained wretches
    Jack Shafer Is ProjectingWe were delighted when we went on Slate this morning and saw this headline: “Someone Please Take Away Roger Cohen’s NYT Column.” Yes, we thought, that’s exactly what we’ve been thinking lately! If we ever bother to read that column, it rarely seems to have anything to say. So we eagerly clicked through the link on the Slate homepage and found ourselves … at Jack Shafer’s column. Uh-oh, we thought. Does criticism still count if it’s made by Mr. Complain-y Curmudgeonpants himself? He who hates David Sedaris, Ian McEwan, and Michigan? What does it say about us that we agree with him? Have we really begun tasting life with such a heavy dose of salt? Is it time for us to self-appoint ourselves as public editor to the world and wake up every morning on a bed of crabapples, throw on our bitter pants, and view the world through our prescription grouchy glasses? Eh, maybe it’s just that Roger Cohen is pretty damn boring. Roger Cohen is writing as badly as he can [Slate] UPDATE: We just noticed that the sub-headline of Shafer’s Roger Cohen column reads: “There’s no excuse for his lazy writing.” Which is funny, because his original headline for the piece was, “Richard Cohen Is Entitled to His Opinion,” (emphasis ours). Yeah, lazy writing is the worst, Jack.
  44. company town
    Did Aaron Charney Only Get 100K From Sullivan?LAW • Will Aaron Charney ever have to work again? More than likely — he may not have gotten more than $100,000 in his sexual-harassment settlement with Sullivan & Cromwell. [PrawfsBlawg via Above the Law] • Should law schools be more like business schools? One law prof thinks so, and he looks a little like Justin Timberlake, so he must be right. [Law Blog/WSJ] • Do Cravath’s two rounds of bonuses signal Big Law strength and more money for associates, or is the firm just hedging so they aren’t locked in to paying the same amount next year? [NYT]
  45. in other news
    Kids Safe Online? Not From Themselves Slate’s Emily Yoffe takes a somewhat hilarious journey today through the amazingly alien world of children’s online social networking. It is, she finds, a world full of penguins, Froot Loops, Barbies, and oddly enough, flagrant capitalism. Yoffe was worried that her children weren’t learning important life lessons while they were logged onto the Internet, and also that they were exposed to predators. But in the end, she concluded “that these sites are mostly benign.” Yoffe obviously didn’t read the spectacular Talk of the Town piece in the New Yorker this week, which we’ve been waiting for an excuse to link.
  46. cultural capital
    Slate Knows No One Loves You, Provides Highbrow Dirty Talk Don’t despair, lovelorn: Slate is today offering an anthology of sex poetry, presumably as a salve to those of us who won’t be getting any. We’ll leave it to you to read the actual verse, but we’d like to highlight three curious facts. First, that Robert Pinsky, the Webmag’s poetry editor and a former U.S. poet laureate, seems even more obsessed with who is gay than Rosie O’Donnell is; second, that Emily Dickinson’s “If You Were Coming in the Fall” is not a double entendre; and, third, that Robert Frost’s “Putting in the Seed” is. Class dismissed. Great Poems About Sex [Slate]