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Smart People

  1. genius grants
    Ta-Nehisi Coates and Lin-Manuel Miranda Now Officially GeniusesThe MacArthur Foundation announces this year’s genius grants.
  2. smart people
    Thirteen-Year-Old Kid Catches Mistake at the MetVery impressive. 
  3. school daze
    ‘If I Have a Choice Between Math and Almost Anything Else, I Choose Math.’That’s what 15-year-old Zachary Young says. He just got into Harvard and MIT.
  4. mating
    Breaking: Smart Women No Longer Doomed to Life of SpinsterhoodUnless they are horrible.
  5. the greatest depression
    Two Other Americans Win Nobel PrizesThese two economists have even been grappling with some of the same problems as the most recent American Nobel winner! But the reaction will probably be, shall we say, different.