Displaying all articles tagged:


  1. the money game
    Who Will Survive the ‘Zynpocalypse’?America’s favorite nicotine pouch is suddenly missing from stores. Enter the Zynposters.
  2. smoking
    FDA Moves to Ban Menthol Cigarettes NationwideThe agency points to the particular harm they cause among Black consumers.
  3. Official Leading Anti-Smoking Push Resigns After Buying Tobacco StockCDC head Brenda Fitzgerald bought stock in a cigarette company after starting a job in which she’s supposed to fight smoking.
  4. Manhattan Co-op Ordered to Pay $120,000 to a Woman Affected by Secondhand Smoke“Livable conditions” is starting to mean carcinogenic-toxin-free.
  5. smoking
    Smoking Is Making a Comeback in NYCAs city spending on anti-smoking efforts has declined.
  6. caught on tape
    Obama Caught Joking ‘I’m Scared of My Wife’Even worse, he’s lying about his smoking habit.
  7. smoking
    High Cigarette Prices in New York Mostly Just Hurt the PoorA new study found that they spend almost a quarter of their income on cigarettes.
  8. too far
    Man Illustrates Dangers of Cigarettes by Pointing Gun at Pregnant SmokerA frightening pamphlet would have sufficed.
  9. smokin’!
    City Wins Battle in War on Cheap CigarettesRoll-your-own shop Island Smokes to close.
  10. smokin’!
    The City’s War on Cheap Cigarettes ContinuesA “roll your own” shop is facing a lawsuit.
  11. no he cain’t
    Herman Cain Does Not Think Smoking Is CoolWhy on earth would you think otherwise?
  12. drugs
    Vaccines in the Works Against Smoking, CocaineBut science is having a hard time dominating pleasure.
  13. bans
    Smoking Banned on Train Platforms TooNew Yorkers’ habits have been limited again.
  14. obama is a human person
    Is Obama Still Chewing Nicorette Gum Over Four Years Later?White House photog outs the chief’s long-running dirty habit.
  15. stand clear of the closing doors
    Retired Man Spent $40,000 on Cuddly Subway Anti-Smoking AdsThese are kind of weird.
  16. pink-stained wretches
    Observer Reporter Goes Wild, Tries Smoking in Several Newly Smoke-Free ParksTurns out, cops were pretty nice about it.
  17. smoking
    The DOJ Has Some Ideas for Tobacco Companies’ New Advertising CampaignThe proposed ad copy spots just short of, “We kill you for the money.”
  18. smoking bans
    It’s Official: You Can’t Smoke in Parks, Pedestrian Plazas, or on Beaches AnymoreThis afternoon Bloomberg signed the smoking ban into law.
  19. obama is a human person
    President Obama Has Stopped Smoking Forever, AgainThe first lady thinks he’s stopped, but she doesn’t want to pry.
  20. lights out
    City Council Fails to Represent One Particular GroupThe one with a dangerously unhealthy addiction.
  21. smoking
    New York’s Smoking Ban to Hit the Out-of-DoorsNo more lighting up in Central Park or Times Square.
  22. last gasps
    Menthol Makers Concoct Cool, Smooth Plan to Fight FDAHope you weren’t planning to buy the MentholKillsMinorities.com domain.
  23. smoking
    Scary Images of Cigarette Damage Banned in New YorkOnly the federal government can scare you away from smoking, a judge said.
  24. smoking
    Only Smoked That One Cigarette? Your DNA May Never Forgive YouYour DNA? Damaged goods.
  25. photo op
    FDA’s Proposed Warning Labels Make Cigarettes Look Like HeroinThey’re pretty graphic.
  26. no more laughing no more fun
    Times Square Included in Proposed Smoking BanCops are going to love this.
  27. politics
    Bob Schieffer Lectures John Boehner About CigarettesThe House minority leader won’t be taking Nicorette anytime soon.
  28. let’s get civical
    Bloomberg Warming Up to Beach and Park Smoking BanHe may move forward with the idea, originally proposed by his Health Commissioner.
  29. jerks
    Smoking on Planes Isn’t Really That RareIn the past five years, 696 jerks have been charged for lighting up in the air.
  30. obama is a human person
    President Obama Is Still SmokingGive the guy a break.
  31. air travel
    Now is Really Not the Time to Try to Smoke on a PlaneWoman caught smoking on plane flying into JFK. Her ex isn’t surprised.
  32. no more laughing no more fun
    Okay, So How Do We Feel About the Increasing Number of Bans on Smoking in Your Own Apartment?Is this as bad as when they talked about banning smoking in public parks?
  33. let’s get civical
    City Health Commissioner: No Smoking in Public Parks or BeachesCamel say wha … ?
  34. obama is a human person
    Obama’s Long Road to RecoveryWhat the president has said about his cigarette habit through the years.
  35. brushes with hotness
    Robert Pattinson Is Smoking, Hot… and in Washington Square this very second. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  36. early and often
    Obama Won’t Smoke ‘in’ White HouseNobody said anything about the Rose Garden.
  37. new york city is the man
    City of New York Attempts to Gross Out SmokersA new set of free matchbooks depicting rotting lungs, tumors, and ruined teeth will be passed out to eager smokers across the city.
  38. early and often
    Obama’s Staff Seen Smoking Hookahs Late at Night in AmmanA side note from Politico notes that some staff and press were passing the pipe in Jordan. OMG — was it Adam Nagourney and Reggie Love? Or Katie Couric and Chuck Hagel??
  39. party lines
    Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker: Enablers?They’re both still smokers. Did you know that? We didn’t. And they’ve already piqued the interest of their 5-year-old son, James Wilkie.
  40. in other news
    Smoker Falls Four Stories, Lives to Destroy Lungs Another DayIt’s an amazing story, which makes us remember that amazing scene from ‘Sex and the City’!
  41. in other news
    Coming Soon: Bloomberg to Issue All New Yorkers Protective HelmetsIt may be the surplus, or the general vogue for do-goodery, but it’s becoming increasingly hard not to feel the mayor’s fatherly hand on our collective shoulder. In the last several months, we’ve been told to eat better, promised a little cash for good behavior, and handed free (and small) condoms. Next up, dry-cleaning tax credit, haircut subsidy, free antiperspirant? Not yet. But there is a new, $3 million gesture of love: free nicotine patches. The Health Department will be giving them away until May 15 to anyone who calls 311 and asks for one, as the Sun reports today; the patch-averse can pick up nicotine gum instead. You can apparently also use the cancer-ravaged vocal cords of a guy named Ronaldo to scare someone straight with an anti-smoking audio message. What a caring, and ever-so-slightly creepy, city we live in. City to Distribute Nicotine Patches, Gum [NYS] Bureau of Tobacco Control [NYC.gov]