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  1. today in police reports
    Two Fake Skeletons Found Having a Tea Party in the Colorado RiverOne, wearing sunglasses, held a sign that said “Bernie.”
  2. snorkeling
    Navy Suspends U.S.S. Enterprise Captain for Raunchy, Homophobic VideosOwen Honors’s subordinates defend their captain on Facebook.
  3. messa
    Eric Massa’s Petraeus ‘Treason’ TheoryThe general was allegedly conspiring with Dick Cheney to … run for president!
  4. salty old sailors
    House Ethics Committee to Possibly Uncover More of Eric Massa’s Original Sex MovesA full-blown (heh) investigation is under way.
  5. messa
    Report: Eric Massa Hit On a Male Bartender at a Marine’s FuneralThat was the tickle that broke the camel’s back.
  6. messa
    Eric Massa: Groping, Tickling, and Now, SnorkelingWe’re not talking about looking at fish, either. We’re not entirely sure what we’re talking about, actually.