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  1. food fights
    Minority Groups’ Soda Industry Ties QuestionedSoda companies say their reasons for giving away millions are pure.
  2. nanny state
    Soda Companies Fight for New York’s Right to Absurdly Large BeveragesIt’s not about selling sugar water, it’s about freedom.
  3. the third terminator
    Poll: Mayor’s Soda Ban Tastes Bad for Majority of New Yorkers The people have spoken.
  4. the third terminator
    In Latest Attack on Delicious Things, Bloomberg Plans to Ban Large SodasKiss your Big Gulp good-bye.
  5. soda
    Bloomberg Attempts To Ban Use Of Food Stamps for SodaAbout 1.7 million of city’s 8 million residents currently on food stamps.
  6. carbonation nation
    Your Soda Is About to Get PricierGet ready to pay a penny-an-ounce more.
  7. power of the purse
    Paterson’s Soda-Tax Dream May Live OnCongress is looking into a soda tax much like the one that flopped when Governor Paterson proposed it.