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Spending Bill
Trump Threatens to Veto Spending Bill Over DACA, Border WallThe White House promised lawmakers that Trump would sign the bill. Now he’s not so sure.
Pelosi’s ‘DACA-buster’ Speech Likely a Record-Setter for the HousePelosi can’t stop a spending deal that excludes DACA. But she can talk about it.
Surprise! Congress May Sneak Debt-Limit Increase Into Its Stopgap Spending BillIt could take care of a big legislative headache — or blow up the delicate negotiations.
Defense-Spending Battle Could Trigger Government ShutdownWhile all eyes are on the fight over immigration policy, spending disputes, particularly over defense, could shut down the government, too.
Nobody Seems to Know What Trump’s ‘Big Beautiful Wall’ Would Look LikeYears after Trump started talking about a border wall, congressional negotiators trying to cut a spending deal still aren’t sure how it’s defined.
Delirious December Gives Way to Jittery January As Congress Passes Spending BillCongress has kicked multiple cans down the road to January, but they won’t be able to stall any longer.
Temporary Spending Bill to Include Temporary Funding for CHIPLooks like Congress will provide relief for the very popular but fiscally strapped program providing health insurance for kids.
Just 13 Shopping Days Before a Possible Meltdown in D.C.!The GOP has passed a tax bill in both chambers and pushed a government-shutdown crisis back two weeks. But the week before Xmas could be treacherous.
McConnell’s Making Promises That He Needs Democrats to KeepSome of the deals McConnell is cutting involve a bipartisan spending bill that’s designed to prevent a government shutdown. That’s dangerous.
Congress Will Face a Government Shutdown on December 22 — Merry Christmas!A scheme by Ryan and McConnell to buy more time while embarrassing Democrats blew up, as defense hawks said no.
Alabama’s Next Senator Could Arrive at the Worst Possible Time for the GOPLooks like the winner of Alabama’s December 12 special election could enter the Senate just in time to threaten passage of key tax and spending bills.
Senate Republicans Rule Out DACA Fix in Spending BillAnd Steve Bannon has (reportedly) convinced a key House Republican to oppose legal status for Dreamers — in any bill.
Trump Has Big Demands — and No Leverage — in the Government-Shutdown FightNo one has more to lose from a shutdown than Trump. And no one is demanding bigger concessions to prevent one.